Page 39 of A Change Of Heart

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Hours passed and to Stephanie's chagrin the young doctor wanted to keep her under observation overnight.Couldn't blame him either.Jason felt the same way, not wanting her out of his sight.He left to grab dinner at the lobby cafeteria and bring it back to her room.She grinned when she realized he had pepperoni pizza.

"Is that for two?"she asked, sitting up in the hospital bed.

"You bet, and I brought us a side salad."Jason helped plump her pillows and made her comfortable, then arranged her tray so she could enjoy her meal.He pulled up a chair, turned on a comedy show, and they exchanged a smile when the nurse came in to see if Steph needed anything.

"Hmm, pizza and a good-looking man.Guess you're doing just fine."Her name on the chalkboard said Carol Schwartzman."I'll come back later and take your temperature again."The nurse winked at Jason."Now, don't you be getting it spiked too high."

"Who, me?"

"I remember men like you, but that was a long time ago.”Carol fanned her face with her hand.“Got a fever just looking at them."

Steph and Jason laughed as she left the room.They talked about ordinary things, not their past or the present, and certainly not the future, but as Steph closed her eyes that night, he couldn't remember an evening he'd enjoyed this much.


Anew nurse woke Stephat six in the morning to take her vitals, give her fresh water, and let her know that a doctor would be showing up after he made his rounds.

She glanced toward the window where Jason slept in a leather chair.He was snuggled with a blanket and a pillow, his long legs draped over the hard armrests, snoring softly.

The nurse, Chloe Williams smiled."Husband or boyfriend?"she asked."Didn't leave your side all night."

"Neither.Just a friend from the past who recently came back into my life."He’d created a whirlwind of confusion in his wake.Stephanie ran her fingers through her hair, attempting to smooth the knots."Would you please raise the back of the bed?I'd like to use the restroom and freshen up."

"Of course."Chloe did as asked, then helped Steph to her feet.Straightening the sheets, she nodded toward Jason."Gotta say, he looks like a keeper.A man that loyal is a gem, pure and simple."

"It's complicated."Steph took in the awkward uncomfortable chair, his kind face half-smothered by the fallen pillow and felt a pang of remorse.Last night had been fun despite the accident."We can't regain what we lost.Doesn't work that way."She walked into the bathroom and closed the door.Could they create something new?

She blinked at her image in the mirror.The cut at her temple was a red mark.Just four months from thirty, Steph no longer resembled the young, fresh-cheeked girl who'd loved Jason with all her heart.And yet, despite everything she'd lost and endured over the years a spark remained, and hope glimmered in her eyes.Dreams had sustained her for so many years, she could not give up on them now.

Jason’s arrival had been terrible timing—just like high school, only now it was her turn to leave.If he could go with her...but that was a dream for another day.

After using the commode, she washed her hands and her face, brushed her teeth, straightened her God-awful gown, and found a comb to run through her knotted hair.When she opened the bathroom door the nurse was gone, and Jason was awake.

She heard him talking quietly on his phone and stayed where she was able to listen.There was something about his lowered voice that set off alarm bells in her head.

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me," she heard him say."Mabel was supposed to keep this to herself."He chuckled.“No, not tonight, although I love your lasagna.”He shook his head.“Not tomorrow either, I’ve got a lot going on with the car and such.Rain check?”he asked.

He was definitely talking to a woman.Who was she?His lover?He had to have one.A good-looking guy his age and in his profession made him a target.Obviously, he'd been over to her place a time or two.

Her cheeks flushed.He must have been laughing at her when she said he should date someone in the same profession as his.He'd been happily doing that all along.

Jealousy was not a familiar emotion, and she didn't like it.Yesterday and again today?Crapola!After years of not dating, she didn't know how to handle this.Treat it like it was no big deal, or cry like a baby?No matter what she'd said it wasn't true.She would always love him; he'd be a part of her now.

He ended the call.

"Hey," she said, walking across the room with a bright smile.Her heart was heavy knowing that this brief interlude was all it was, and all it would ever be."I don't know how you could have slept in that chair."

He stood, put a hand on his back, and grimaced."Not the most comfortable position that's for sure.Unfortunately, your hospital bed wasn't built for two."His eyes held hers and as confused as she was, she couldn't turn away.

She’d been mistaken the last time she’d thought Jason was unfaithful and her cowardly action of running home had separated them for more than a decade.She didn't want to be responsible for that again.And yet he'd asked this unknown woman for a rain check to come over.Who was she, and how involved were they?Did he look at her this way?As if she were the only woman in the world he wanted to be with?

"Thanks for staying."She swallowed a lump in her throat.It made sense that he’d date.Her jealous feelings were uncalled for.Had she not learned anything in the past?Life and love had no guarantee.No time limit.If she was honest with herself, her actions last night in the car had been a distraction to Jason, and she was to blame.

"I was worried about you."Jason took a step in her direction, and she edged toward the bed."How are you feeling this morning?Any nausea?"

"No.I'm fine.”She patted her hair.“I'm sure to be released once the doctor makes his rounds."

"Want me to stay?"Jason raised a brow, and with the little scruff on his face, he looked so good she'd like to gobble him up.Sexy, confident, a man who knew his place in the world and was comfortable in it.He didn't need her."You're going to need a ride home."
