Page 60 of A Change Of Heart

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"Well, we know Nicole is an artist.Long time ago she painted a mural on the wall, but after he kicked her out, he painted over it."

"So, we are basically looking for some artwork in this journal.Sounds interesting.I have a blanket you can put on the floor if you want to give it a try."

He straightened up, looking sheepish."I'm in my good clothes.I was hoping to keep them that way."

"What?With a broom?"

He chuckled."Well, you're a lot smaller than me, and this is your place, right?I think you should volunteer forthisadventure, since you're dying for one."

"Not this kind.I want to sail away on the wide blue seas.With a very handsome pirate."

"Seriously?You have changed from the innocent girl I once knew."The warmth in his gaze made her blush.

"Yeah, well I've read a lot of interesting novels over the years.And wrote them too.It gets a girl thinking."She let her eyes roam over him."Even the best of us."

"Erotic dreams of your too-good-to-be-true hunky hero."

"Something like that."She shrugged."Well, guess I'm the girl.Better change out of this skirt if I ever want to wear it again."

She opened the small closet that had room for about six hangers and a tiny chest of drawers.Her casual wear, including sweaters and jeans, were layered on the floor.

She grabbed a tee and her oldest jeans and changed in the bathroom.When she came out Jason had the blanket down and was sitting on it."Come here," he asked.

She flopped down beside him.He tugged the hem of her T-shirt."Hey, you're wearing the Taylor Swift shirt I bought you at the concert in Delaware."

It was her favorite."Hmm.I didn't know I still had this old thing."

"Looks good on you.But I know something else that would too."He kissed her wrist, then his mouth moved up her arm.

"Stop that."She wrinkled her nose at him."Why don't you open a bottle of wine and bring out the cheese and crackers?I'm going to need a little nourishment after this chore."

"Say no more."

Stephanie lowered herself onto the blanket and wiggled it under the bed until she came to the loose wooden plank.When she angled the flashlight and picked at it with a kitchen knife, it didn't budge.Not even after several attempts.

"It's not moving," she called to Jason."Seems solid."

"Keep trying, it hasn't been tampered with in ten years or thereabouts."

She shifted herself to be able to use both hands, and after a few pathetic attempts, it finally gave way.Dust floated in her nose and face, making her cough."This is disgusting.I can't believe you made me do this."

"Did you get it?See anything?"

"Ugh.It's so dirty down there.Now I have to put my hand in?What if there's a rat?"

"Mighty mouse will slay the rat," he said chuckling.

"This is so not funny."

"It is from where I'm standing."

"I hate you right now."

He bent to his knees from the side of her bed."No, you don't.I'm with you here."His eyes glittered as though he was transmitting his superpowers."You can do this.Just take a deep breath and stick your hand in.I'll be on the lookout for anything moving."

"Yeah.That includes you."

"I'd trade places if I could."His voice, his face, conveyed the truth and her stomach did a little dance.
