Page 61 of A Change Of Heart

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"Why don't you sneak under and help me out here?"

He grinned and stuck his arm under the bed."Here.Give me your hand.We'll do it together."

"Okay.That's more like it."Feeling braver now that his palm was guiding her she moved slowly, deeper, and deeper into the hole.Then struck gold.

"I have it.At least I feel it.I'm going to give you the knife and try to drag it up.Don't you dare leave me!"

"I won't.I promise.Give me both, the light and the knife."

"Okay."She did as he said, then took a deep breath."Going in now.Flash the light a little further to the right.That's good.Keep it there."

She moved the package a few inches, then lost the grip.

"Oh, crap.I might have to get on my tummy."

"Isn't there another way?"

"Not that I can see.I need both hands to get a solid grip.I'm coming out, then go back in."After Jason slid out to give her room, she wiggled her way back the way she came, flipped over and pushed herself back into position.

"Okay.One more time.This better be worth it," she said under her breath."Here I go.Keep the light steady."

"Will do.Did I ever tell you that I lo...”


With those words spurring her on, she grabbed hold of the folder and pulled it up.When it was clear she pushed it over to him, then replaced the plank.

"Can you clean it up, while I get myself out of here?"

"Sure.Then I'll pour you a glass of wine and you can nibble on some cheese."

"I don't nibble."He laughed, and she went in to wash up and brush the dust from her hair before sitting next to him.She accepted the glass of wine he'd poured and took a satisfying sip."So, was it worth the adventure?"

"I waited for you.Just grabbed some paper towels to clean the journal so we can do it together."He brushed a speck of dirt from her cheek and looked into her eyes.His grin made her heart stop.If he kissed her right now, she'd let him.
