Page 74 of A Change Of Heart

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He sneezed then went into a coughing fit.

"You all right?"Jason knew he wasn't, and the guilt kicked in.Steph’s landing had offered more protection than this bench.

"Right enough."

"What can I bring you back?You must be hungry."

How to make this right?

"Suppose so."Carl glanced around as if looking for aliens.

Jason thrummed his fingers on the steering wheel."Need some more money?"

Carl grinned, his stained and crooked yellow teeth almost lost in his neat gray beard."Don't need it, no.I took your advice though."He snickered."Had a fine meal delivered to my room.Got my beard trimmed.Wanna look handsome, you know."

"Glad to hear.Where did you stay?"

"Nice place at the edge of town.Day's Inn, think it's called.Pizza joint next door had one of the best tasting pepperoni pizzas I can remember."

"That's good.You got any cash left?"

"A little."He dug his hand in his pocket and came out with a few wrinkled dollars."Ten bucks."He gazed at Jason with hope in his eyes."Wouldn't mind some chicken nuggets, with that sweet sauce."

"You've got it.Hang tight, my friend.I'll be right back."

McDonald's wasn't busy at this time of night, so he didn't need to wait to order.He loaded up with two full bags and returned the few blocks to where Carl waited.Jason parked alongside the bench and handed both bags over, feeling guilty as he did.

"What did you get me?"He gripped the bags like they were precious gold.

"Darn near everything."

Jason turned off the car, put his key in his pocket, then wandered over to the bench and sat at the far end.He watched as Carl dove into the first bag.

"Hmm," he said, unwrapping his Big Mac and taking a gigantic bite."Ya don't have to give me money no more, I'm doing like ya told me.Cleaning up my act."He took three fries slopped with ketchup and put them in his mouth, followed by a large slurp of strawberry milkshake."Just gotta figure what that is."

"One day at a time, that's all any of us can do.You know what?You could volunteer to work at one of those shelters and possibly get lodging and your meals free."

"Ya think so?Not sure they'd want the likes of me."Carl attacked his oozing burger once again.

Jason took one of the burgers from the bag, along with fries and a shake."Got you a bunch of the nuggets you like.Freshly made too."

Carl swallowed the last bite and put down his drink to dig into the second bag."You sure did."

"Donuts and more sandwiches down at the bottom."

"You're one crazy man, aren't cha?"Carl cocked his head."Ya get rid of me and now buy me a smorgasbord?"He leaned back against the hard bench."Bin a long, long time since I ate one of those.Vegas, it was."He wiped the ketchup from his mouth.

"Happy to help.But I do have a favor to ask."

"What?Some of my fries?"He snorted over his joke.

"No, something that would make Steph, my girl, really happy.Can you show up on her landing tomorrow or the next day and stay the night?She's missed you."

Carl shrugged, ate a nugget and another.

"If I do, will you still buy me food?"

"Next time we meet here, I'll buy you a steak."

"Now that's mighty fine of you, but all I need is five bucks, sir.A stack of pancakes, coffee, and juice.Living high, right now.Sure am."

Jason took out two tens and tucked them in Carl’s pocket."You take care of yourself.And the invitation stands.One night near Stephanie's door.She's a kindhearted woman and wants to help you."

Carl's mouth was full, and he didn't answer.

Jason stood, dropped his bag in the trash, then climbed into his car.He waved at Carl as he drove away but didn't get the answer he'd hoped.

Back in his apartment, Jason stripped off his clothes and sat on the bed, head in his hands.Now he knew how Stephanie felt when Carl didn’t return.It had made her feel good helping this stranger and he'd stolen that from her.

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