Page 75 of A Change Of Heart

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Chapter Twenty

Stephanie woke up to white fluffy flakes drifting outside her apartment window.Tree limbs were heavy with the fresh virgin snow, and it made her feel like a kid again, when she'd bound out of bed and take their dog, Zezabel, for a run around the backyard.

Their shepherd loved the snow as much as she did.He'd dance through the white fluff and roll around in it.He had fun butting heads with the snowmen the children made.Everyone in the household loved him, but after he was gone, they never bought another one.It was all hands on deck helping Jessica recover.

That was yesterday; she needed to focus on the future.

It was a Saturday morning and Stephanie felt like indulging herself.She turned to her side and cuddled under the warm duvet.Her head nestled in the down pillow, and she almost purred with pleasure.She supposed she would have enjoyed Maine too, but coming to Harmony couldn't have been an accident.She felt strongly that this had all been part of His greater plan, to meet Jason again, and to help save a young woman's life.

Stephanie stretched and yawned.Saturday was the busiest day of the week, so she better hustle.

Dressed, fed, she nearly sprinted down the stairs to the shop.A part of her squirmed when she thought about Henry being sabotaged this way.She'd grown fond of the old man.Yet, right now, she'd like to kick him in the behind and tell him to wake up before it was too late.

It had to be today, or they'd have to wait until Monday.

When she entered the bookstore, she was relieved that Henry wasn't there waiting for her.She made a pot of coffee before watering the small Christmas tree, rearranging a few drooping ornaments, and ran a dust mop to remove frosting from the floor.

Henry and Charlie showed up a few minutes before nine.She felt a rush of guilt for what they were about to do, and how the sketches might make him feel.She said a silent prayer that he'd be moved by them, that his wife up above could help him see what he needed to do.And quickly.

"Good morning," she said brightly."Coffee's made, the shop is ready for business.Isn't it a glorious day?Fresh snowflakes falling like a gift from the sky."

Henry peered over his reading glasses."What's got into you this morning?"He squinted at her."You're just a little too cheerful—couldn’t be that nephew of mine, could it?Guy inherited my good looks and charm."

Steph laughed."Of course, he did, but it's not that.Does my happiness offend you?"She was a bundle of nerves and had to stop freaking herself out or she'd never last until noon.

"Just dial it down a notch or you’ll scare the customers."

Steph saluted."Yes, sir.Onboard with that."She sniffed."Today we have Starbucks Christmas blend, a guaranteed favorite."

"Hmm.If you say so."He and Charlie shuffled over to the coffee bar."Always changing things up.There's nothing wrong with our regular Dunkin' Donuts blends.Cheaper too."

"Cheaper doesn't always mean better.Especially not at Christmas."

"You're not the one paying the bills around here, it's me."Charlie sniffed the floor, perhaps the scent of coffee sent him in search of food.

Stephanie handed her boss his first steaming mug but before Henry had taken a sip Charlie meandered over and Henry stumbled, spraying a little coffee over his beloved dog's head.Henry cursed."Dang it, mutt!Look what you made me do."

The old lab ambled away, plopping down in the center aisle.He sat there, head on his paws, dark eyes filled with sadness.Stephanie knew how much Henry loved the dog; he was his best friend.It was unusual for him to shout at Charlie.Today might not be optimum for their 'Save Nicole' surprise.

After she refilled Henry's mug and had him settled at the table by the window, she turned her attention to Charlie, giving him a good rub to remind him that he was still loved.

When she got back on her feet and to the coffee corner, she poured her own mug with the delightful Christmas blend then sat down opposite her grumpy boss."I would offer to run over to the bakery and grab us some tasty, but I want to avoid Billy as much as I can."

"Naw.You stay put.I’d like to go out a little later and stretch my legs."

"Okay, then.You stay seated and I'll unlock the doors."Steph moved so fast that she bumped into a bookshelf.“Oops!”She needed to get her emotions under control.

"For heaven's sake,” Henry said.“What are you so jittery about?"

"Nothing!I expect we’ll be busy today."

Thankfully they were.The morning was filled with parents and their kids, holiday shoppers buying gift items, as well as books.Henry stayed out of the office to help her at the till.

The door tingled and she hoped to see Jason—for moral support.

It was Julie and she had her girls with her."Hi, Julie and good morning, Kara and Brooke.What do you all have planned for the day?"

Kara answered first."We're going to buy Daddy a present."
