Page 93 of A Change Of Heart

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Steph tugged at his sleeve, but he only grinned."Let's make our first before it's too late."She stopped and pointed."It's over there."

"Over there, where?This park must be several acres."Jason kissed her mittened hand."Not nearly as big as Central Park, but a good size."

"Central Park is eight hundred and forty-three acres, the largest park in New York City.But it's actually the fifth largest park in the city by area."She smiled at him, enjoying his shocked expression."This little park is a peanut in comparison."

"I was meaning Albany's park.But how do you know this stuff?You sound like a tour guide.He furrowed his forehead."I didn't think you'd ever been to New York."

"I haven't.But I'm a writer and have to look things up all the time."

"Guess you do—must make you an expert in a lot of things.Like romance for instance?"He wagged his dark brows and she giggled.

"Don't be silly.Sure, I write about it, doesn't mean I do what I write.Murder mysteries are not written by killers.See?"

"What I see is that you might need a few personal lessons to help with your romantic scenes.Couldn't hurt."His eyes twinkled and she wished they were alone so she could get one of his super-hot kisses.Unfortunately, two parents with their kids strolled right behind them.

"Right now, we are going to skate.And we will have fun doing it.I won't push you down face first.I'll be hanging on tight as you glide me around."

"Eh...not sure how successful that will be," Jason answered.

"It'll be a challenge, right?Let's give it a shot."

As they neared the rink, a couple of boys with their skates draped over their thin shoulders rushed past them.

She moved more slowly now."I was hoping we might have the rink to ourselves.Since I can't skate and you're not much better, I hope you can at least hold me up."

"You getting cold feet now?"he answered."Let's see if we can do a spin or two without tangling our skates and bringing both of us down."

She gave his cheek a kiss."You can tumble on me anytime."

"If we enjoy this first, we can always come back again.I must have hundreds of hours, or days, of holiday time."

"Really?Doctors get holidays?"

"Once in a while.It's the law, but most of us ignore it."

"Well, you need to take care of your own health and mental well-being."

"You're good for that.Haven't laughed or smiled so much in a long time."Jason gave her a silly grin."I have an idea.A brilliant one.We need to make a vaccine out of your DNA.Spread the happiness around."

She grinned."Better yet, we could use yours."

"No.You just lift my mood.Anyway, it's a shame you don't want to stick around here because I think this is a wonderful place for children to grow up.Like Disneyland all year round."

She didn't reply, refusing to ruin their afternoon with her self-sabotage.Jason’s love was real.They stood at the railing for a few minutes watching the half dozen skaters, mostly couples glide by."I'd love to be so graceful.It’s an art form."

"Come on, let's give it a whirl,” Jason said.“After that, we can finish with cookies and drinks."

"I'm not in any hurry," she told him, getting nervous about skating with so many people there."Maybe we should wait until it starts to get dark.The lights will be on soon, and that's one of my favorite things about this place.It's beautiful.And romantic," she said with a grin.

"There you go again.Always got romance on your mind."

"Hmm, that's what makes me such a highly successful and sought-after writer," she said in jest.

"Are you?"

"Am I what?"

"Sought after...and successful?"
