Page 1 of Werewolf Daddy

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“Ames had to deal with an issue in one of the fetish rooms. A bear and his boy were behaving badly. Normally that wouldn’t be an issue, but they were disrupting other patrons.” Lowell, always sophisticated and efficient, reported to Cross. He was the classiest of the lot of them with his white, blonde hair, deep dark blue eyes, and tall hard body. He was a favorite of many of their patrons, and Lowell had a few favorites of his own.

Lowell was the floor manager. He had the voice and intensity to get anyone to do anything, so he kept everything on time and running smoothly. Cross knew there was going to be a job for him in this discussion because Lowell wouldn’t take the time to tell him something so minor as a dust-up in the back room unless he was going to be needed.

“There’s no one else available, and we need two on the doors, so if you could, would you handle the doors with Noa until Ames takes care of the problem in the back.” Lowell finished with his pitch. Ames and Noa were both bear shifters and the best security men he knew. The line outside was kept civil and orderly, and the people inside were kept safe.

“Of course.” Cross smiled and headed for the front doors, and Lowell hurried off to deal with his next challenge or crisis. He was very good at his job and not hard on the eyes. He wasn’t Cross’s type. He liked his partners small, dark, and needy, but Lowell cut a fine figure in tight leather.

Cross hadn’t indulged himself at the Club for quite some time, and no one over the past while called to him in that regard. His wolf was suddenly getting very picky, and so was he. He had plenty of offers, but for some reason, they all fell short. He planned on choosing someone tonight, even if just for a simple blow job. Because there’s being picking, and then there’s being utterly ridiculous. His wolf would just have to grin and bear it.

Like all the staff at the Zephyr, Lowell and Ames got plenty of action on an average night. They seemed to be two of the favorites. There were no rules against playing with customers. Cross only asked that they keep it classy and as private as possible. The only solid rule was no fucking in the kitchen or behind the bar.

Cross stepped out the front doors and took his place behind the velvet rope. The line was long, and the faces were eager; it was going to be a good night. Noa was on the other side, clearing people for entrance and also turning some away. No one ever got inside using a fake ID or planning to cause trouble. That was the beauty of having a shifter at the door. They could read intent in a person’s scent. It kept them on the right side of the law and their customers and establishment safe.

“Hey, thanks for the assist,” Noa called to him. “Ames headed to the back room almost an hour ago.” He smiled knowingly. “I think the bear and his boy convinced him to stay.”

“I doubt it took much convincing. Ames loves a good threesome.” Cross responded affably.

“True, very true.” He laughed. “I can hear him now, ‘two bears one hole’ what could be better.” He laughed again, and Cross joined.

“Autry Valentine, when will you agree to go out with me?” The old man constantly hit on him, but it was just teasing, and Autry always played along.

“I’m pretty busy right now with work, so I’m not looking to start a relationship even though I would consider you quite a catch.” Autry delivered the man’s coffee and pie and the bill. It was coffee and pie twice a week, regular as a clock.

“You keep me in mind when you’re ready.” He responded with a big smile.

“Oh, Frank, you know I will.” Autry headed back to the kitchen to pick up another order. The café was busy this afternoon with a convention having been booked into the hotel across the street. He then returned to the kitchen to take his fifteen. The other waiters continued in and out while the cook Jamie caught him up in conversation.

“I hear you’re going to Club Zephyr tonight. Do you think you’ll get in? It’s a Friday night, and they’re usually busting at the seams on the weekend.” Jamie continued to flip the burgers and melt the cheese as he casually conversed. He had probably five different meals, all going at the same time.

“A friend wanted to check it out but preferred not to go alone in case it got weird. We’re not really sure what to expect. I have an idea, but I’ve heard so many stories that I’m not sure what’s true. It’ll be interesting if nothing else.” Autry responded while drinking his soda.

“What if you don’t get in?”

“We’ll go somewhere else. No big deal.” Autry really didn’t care one way or the other he just wanted to get out and drink a few beers and do a little dancing. It had been too long. When Warren told him, it was a leather daddy-type club; he was intrigued since the daddy experience was something he was attracted to.

He didn’t think he wanted a full-time daddy, but he definitely loved the dominant and submissive relationship style. He ached to hand responsibility over to someone else to let go and have someone else make decisions. It was his dream. He needed to investigate further to figure out what he wanted, and Club Zephyr seemed like the place to do that.

“I went there last Wednesday, and I was surprised when they let me in.” Jamie laughed.

“Why did you think they wouldn’t let you in? You’re a decent-looking guy who dresses decently.” Autry teased.

“Nice to know that I’m decent in all departments.” He threw a plate of fish and fries together, handed it off, followed by three plates of burgers and fries, and then threw more meat on the grill. “I’m not the Zephyr caliber of looks or income. Let me tell you, those guys are gorgeous and dressed to the nines. The leather and haircuts alone would put the average man back thousands. The drinks were costly but reasonable for such an establishment, and the eye candy, as I said, will feed your dreams for weeks.” He turned and gave Autry a sassy smile.

Autry was anticipating a nice night out and looking forward to hopefully gaining entrance to the illustrious Zephyr; the club everyone has been talking about. It’s been around for nearly a year, but Autry never felt the desire to go until Warren begged him to go. It seemed to him, just as Jamie had described, outside his caliber of looks and income, but he didn’t share that with Jamie. If they didn’t get in, so be it. They’d go somewhere else. There were other interesting clubs downtown, but he really wanted to check out Club Zephyr.

Autry met Warren in the parking garage a block from Club Zephyr. “Do you think 8 o’clock is too early? I don’t want us to look too eager.” Warren worried his bottom lip as they started their walk to the club.

“They open at five, and we’ll probably be in line for an hour or more, so we won’t look too eager,” Autry told him and patted him on the back. Warren was a little tense, but he’d loosen up once he got inside; he always did.

“Maybe we look too provincial. We should have tried a little harder. They’re not going to let us in.” Warren continued to worry.

Warren was dressed in a nice fitting pair of leather pants, soft and rich looking, and a snug white tee. His hair, a light auburn, was tussled, making him look like he didn’t try too hard when actually he did. “You look good; you’ll get in, don’t worry.”
