Page 3 of Werewolf Daddy

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Autry didn’t think he was going to get in until the big guy with the flashing dark eyes called to him to stop. He came out to the sidewalk, brought him back inside, and stayed with him. Autry wasn’t sure what it meant, but he was sure enjoying the special attention, especially from a guy who looked as gorgeous as the man standing next to him.

The snug laced black leather vest hugged his muscled chest tightly and showed off an array of interesting tattoos. The pants matched the vest just as snug and sexy, showing Autry the fine curves of a very fine ass. His hair was black as the night and cut in a bit of a rakish style, which added to his sex appeal. He stood a good foot taller than Autry, which just sweetened the pot in that Autry loved tall men. He was a total package and nice on top of it all.

“I’m Cross Mercer.” He said and reached out his hand. Autry recognized the name from the research he’d done on the place. Cross Mercer owned Club Zephyr, and on closer inspection, he resembled the photos he’d seen online. According to the articles, he was creative and innovative and was breathing an exciting new freshness into the nightlife in Cincinnati.

Autry took the offered hand. “Autry Valentine, nice to meet you, sir.” Start as you wish to continue, he figured, giving the handsome man a sultry smile. “Nice place you have here.”

“Thank you.” He said but didn’t elaborate. Most would go into a long spiel on how they are best in the business and such, but not Mr. Mercer. He didn’t have to because the place spoke for itself. It was high-end and gave the impression of being exclusive, but guys like him and Warren were still able to get in. This place catered to a variety of types, but the leather culture seemed to be the strongest draw.

He led Autry over to the bar, and they sat down. “Let me buy you a drink.” He said, and instantly two drinks were set before them.

“What is it?” Autry asked as he inspected the drink the bartender handed him.

“French 75, a lovely champagne cocktail and one of the favorites of the Queen. I thought you’d like it.” Autry could listen to this guy talk all evening. The depth and resonance of his tone danced on Autry’s nerves spreading goosebumps and excitement. Autry took a sip, and it was perfectly flavorful and light but with a bit of a kick.

“I do like it very much.” He decided that the French 75 was going to be his drink of choice for a while. They talked for a while, just general stuff like how long he lived in the area and occupations, and Autry noticed that Cross kept turning the conversation back to him and asking more questions than he was answering.

He’d never had someone so interested in the mundane parts of his life. It was nice and made him feel special. All he got from Cross was that he’d moved to the city a little over a year ago from Philadelphia and opened the club. He came here because of the existing leather culture and the strong acceptance of alternative lifestyles. Basically, he liked the vibe of the city.

They finished their drinks, and Cross stood, reaching his hand out to Autry once again. “Come, let me give you a tour.” Autry wasn’t going to turn down a tour given by the boss man. He would probably show him all the interesting nooks and crannies, and Autry couldn’t wait to get an eyeful. Now he’d find out if all the salacious rumors were anywhere close to correct.

Autry took his hand and followed obediently. Their roles seem to be manifesting without even trying, and Autry liked it. Cross had a natural dominance that seemed to be a part of his character, presence, and even his walk, and he obviously saw something in Autry that he liked. Autry saw this evening going in a very positive direction.

Cross was over the moon for this man, and his wolf was scratching at the edges of his mind demanding that they mark and claim their mate. Autry was human, so he would need to slowly pull him into his life so he would not overwhelm him. Cross understood what he had to do, but that still made the waiting damn awful difficult. But he could, at least, get a taste of his sweet young mate and mark him so that others knew the Alpha owned him.

He put his arm loosely around Autry’s shoulders, testing his acceptance, and when he leaned in toward him, Cross smiled and pulled him closer. “What were you looking for when you came here tonight, Autry? What is your flavor of entertainment, or were you looking for something more long-term?”

He could scent Autry’s desire for domination but needed to know what it was he was interested in and how far into the domination lifestyle he wanted to go. If he had to guess, he would bet it was all fairly new to the gorgeous young man, and he was looking primarily for the experience. If he wanted to take Cross for a test ride, he was more than happy to oblige.

Autry shifted his eyes to the right and then to the floor, looking embarrassed, and although it was a cute look on the man, Cross did not want his mate to feel embarrassed to tell him anything ever. “Ah, well, I’m not really sure, but I wanted to see the leather lifestyle in action and . . .” He floundered to silence.

“Do you like a little domination and control? A partner who will put you through your paces and ensure all your needs are met in a loving and nurturing fashion?” Cross knew what he liked and hoped that Autry was of the same bend. He was his Fated mate, so they likely had the same interests. Autry nodded his head as they walked across the main floor to the section of tables and booths where the lights were a subdued amber.

“Maybe.” Autry looked up at him with a hopeful expression. He was still hesitant to voice his needs, but he was trying. Cross would urge him out of his shell before the evening was over. He was looking to be controlled and guided, and Cross was more than willing to give him the leather daddy treatment. With an indulgent smile, Cross led him through the room toward the wide, well-lit hallway near the back.

Before they made it to the hall, Autry stopped and stared over at a long, cushioned couch in the darkened corner of the room. “Is that guy getting a blow job?” Cross glanced over and noticed it was his Lowell sitting back and his legs spread with a half-naked man on his knees sucking him off. Lowell had his head back, eyes closed, and his arms splayed out along the back of the couch.

“Yes, he is,” Cross answered and waited for Autry’s reply.

“Is that allowed right here in the main room of the club?” He pressed and could not seem to tear his eyes away from the erotic scene.

“As long as they are discreet, I take no issue.” Cross gently guided Autry back toward the hallway. If he’d looked around instead of fixating on Lowell and his man, Autry would have noticed several getting what they needed in that back corner.

There was a nearly naked twink getting drilled against the wall just to Lowell’s right, but Autry hadn’t noticed. Cross checked the air, and Autry did not seem upset by what he witnessed. It was more a heightened and heated curiosity that filled the air. That was very good.

“What’s back here?” Autry got his attention back on the tour.

“Private rooms that can be rented for role play, small intimate parties, simple privacy whatever they desire. Some are set up for specific role-play; others are stocked to specifications.” Cross walked up to the largest of the rooms unoccupied at the moment, swung the padded door open, and walked in with Autry following. He saw the wide-eyed surprise and smile at the decadent interior. It was all dark woods and black leather with plenty of gleaming chrome. It was a dungeon of sorts.

Autry walked around the room, touching the soft leather and picking up the toys that lay here and there. He took a paddle from the padded counter, slapped it against his hand several times, and then smiled at Cross. “Is this a bondage room?” He asked.

“It’s whatever you want it to be. Patrons come with their own ideas, and we help them realize those ideas.

“Does it ever get out of hand in these rooms?”
