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Thomas winked at me from over her head. “Itold you so.”

Alump formed in my throat, and Iswallowed around it. “What now?”

“Pfft,” Erin made the sound Laura did whenever she was nervous or trying to shut me up, piercing another small hole in my heart. “What now, seriously? Now you go and tell her every single change you’ve made in your life while you were apart, and then you beg.”

Although I’dfully accepted Laura’sand my “breakup,” which was amessed-up description of what we had, Ihad turned my life around. The wake-up call from Laura rang loudly in my ears, sending aclear message that it was time. Time to reclaim my life, time to admit our firm’sfinances were steady enough to afford more staff, time to even share my Powell never-ending, entangled work with Christopher.

“It’snot that simple.”

“Ugh, Zach, come on.” She groaned, grabbing adoll from the floor next to her and throwing it at me. “You’re asuccessful attorney whose entire job revolves around talking, convincing people, and writing intricate contracts. Find your words, get the girl.”

Iplayed with the pink pony doll in my hand, feeling only mildly confident about going to her. “That is, if she still wants me.”

“She does. Or else she wouldn’thave made serious changes in her life too.”

My breath left me, my heartbeat twice as fast. “She did?”

“It’sher story to tell.” Erin smiled when Rowan came to her too, moving from Thomas to let each one of them cradle their children. “And you’ll never know unless you talk to her. Why not try?”

My mouth dried, and Ifucking hated being so sensitive especially in front of Thomas. But letting out the truth that had consumed me for three months liberated me more than anything. “Because it’dbreak my fucking heart to hear her say no to me again.”

“Zach.” Thomas covered Violet’sears.

“Fine, fine, my fudging heart.”

“Trust me that Iwouldn’thave thrown you under the bus.” Erin’sconfidence carried from her to me and Inodded, listening to the plan she had for giving Laura and me one more try.
