Page 103 of The One You Want

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Andie eyed Rose. “Don’t worry, dear. Marc’s always been a troublemaker, but he usually does the right thing when it comes down to it. Especially when his father lays down the law.”

Rose looked up at Gray. “What does it have to do with you?”

“It shouldn’t have anything to do with me.”

Grady’s mouth pinched into a tight line. “If Marc doesn’t shape up, you’ll have no choice but to step up.”

“And make things worse. They need to work this out themselves and stop putting me in the middle.” When Grady triedto say more, Gray stopped him with a look. “Drop it. We’re here for Maggie and Marc. Let’s celebrate with them, instead of talking about them.”

“This wedding can’t come soon enough,” Grady said, taking his wife’s hand and heading to the semiprivate room at the other end of the restaurant.

Rose didn’t move and waited for Gray to explain, but he just stared across the room at Marc and Uncle Matt having a quiet but obviously strained conversation in the corner. Uncle Matt spotted Gray, smiled big, and waved him over.

Gray turned to her, looking like he wanted to escape.

She lightened the mood. “I can’t believe you introduced me to your mom and dad and I’m not wearing underwear.”

Gray burst out laughing. “I promise not to tell them that.”

“It’s our secret.”

He hooked his arm around her neck, pulled her into his chest, and kissed her on the head. “You’re really good for me.”

“Why didn’t you tell me your parents were going to be here?”

He leaned back and stared down at her. “I figured you knew since this is a family thing.”

She’d only expected the bride’s and groom’s parents. Rose wanted to kick herself. “With all that’s been going on, I guess I didn’t think about it.”

“Believe it or not, I thought Marc might tell me to leave.”

That shocked her. Though maybe it shouldn’t. “Because of me?”

He shook his head and brushed his fingers back and forth on the back of her neck. “Some other things I learned.”

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on with your family?”

“Not here. Not now. But Maggie needs to seriously consider her options.”

She gripped his sides. “You can’t say that to me and not explain. She’s my best friend. If there’s something she needs to know, you need to tell me.”

Gray raked his fingers through his hair in an unusual show of frustration. “Rose, it’s a complicated mess. Maybe you can help, but you also complicate things for me.”

She took a step back. “What does that mean?” Before he could explain, her phone rang. She pulled it out of her purse and checked the caller ID in case it was Poppy or her mom.

The name on the caller ID surprised her, even though it shouldn’t have because she often got called on her off time. “It’s my boss. I have to take this.”

“Take your time. Can I get you anything?”

“I definitely need a drink.”

“Strawberry margarita?”

She appreciated that he remembered her and Maggie’s story from last night. “I’d love it.”

“I’ll get Maggie one, too. She could probably use two.” Gray walked over to the bar.

Rose swiped her screen to accept the call and walked back toward the entrance and into an alcove between two dining areas for some privacy. “Hi, Ben. How are you?”
