Page 93 of The One You Want

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“Of course. Maggie loves you. Maybe you can come stay with me for a few days and you can shadow Maggie at work, so you can get a feel for working in her field.”

“That would be awesome.”

“You know, you were always great at math. Gray is the chief financial officer at his company. They’re getting ready to go public. I bet he’d be happy to talk to you about business finance.”

“I actually thought about going in that direction but thought maybe that was too... aspirational.”

“Why? Because dad told you you weren’t smart enough to do it, that you couldn’t possibly succeed at it because you were too lazy or stupid or a woman who’d be overlooked by men?None of that, or anything else he said like it, is true. I mean, yes, you’ll have to work hard, but there’s no reason you won’t or can’t find success in whatever you decide to do.” Rose leaned forward. “The next time you hesitate to do something or say something or make a decision, ask yourself if the voice in your head ishisoryours. Follow your own heart and mind, Poppy. The best revenge is being everything he said you weren’t and knowing that you did it all on your own.”

Poppy smiled. “Is that how you feel?”

“Yes. Every time it’s like a big ‘F you’ to him. ‘You said I can’t, well, let me show you just how well I can.’ And I did. You can, too.”

Poppy found herself choked up. “I think I’ve been waiting for you to come back to show me and tell me that I don’t have to be here anymore.”

Rose held her hand firm in hers. “You do not need to be his victim anymore. You are a survivor. Live like nothing is holding you back, because nothing is, except yourself. Find a way to release it, and let it go, Poppy.”

“This house used to feel like a prison. With him gone, it’s better, but I still haven’t been able to escape.”

“There’s a kind of safety in the familiar even if it is a torment. Don’t be afraid of change. Be excited about all the possibilities waiting for you out there.”

“You make it sound so easy. You’ve shown me I have options and people who will help.”

“And I will be here for you no matter what you decide to do. I’m not going anywhere, Poppy. I intend for us to be the sisterswe were when we were little girls drawing pictures for each other and we were the best of friends.”

“I want that back, too.”

“Then let this be a new beginning for both of us.” Rose stood.

Poppy met her halfway. They held each other, and it felt so good to be connected to her sister again. She felt lighter and at ease, knowing that when Rose went home, it wasn’t another ending, but a beginning to something new and better between them.

Rose stepped back and held Poppy by the shoulders. “I’ve missed you so much. I won’t let time slip away from us ever again. In fact, anytime you want to stay with me, the door is always open. I’ll even get you a key.”

“Really? You mean it?”

“Yes.” Rose hugged her again. “Who knows, maybe one day you’ll be the maid of honor at my wedding.”

Poppy stepped back and smiled. “Rose Pearson has a nice ring to it.”

Rose hooked her arm around Poppy’s shoulders and steered her out of the kitchen, flipping the light switch off on the way out. “It does. But right now I’m going to enjoy getting to know Gray better and spending time with him.”

“I bet he wishes he was with you tonight. You’ve gotten three text messages in the last half hour.”

Rose didn’t bother to take out her phone as another text alert chimed, and they reached the top of the stairs. “We miss each other when we’re not together.”

“That’s really nice.” Poppy stopped outside her bedroom doorand pushed it open. “Check it out.” She waved her hand toward the room.

Rose stood in the doorway with her and stared at the pink poppy painting over the bed. “You hung it.”

“It was a beautiful gift from my sister.”

Rose bumped her shoulder to Poppy’s. “And you put out some pictures of us when we were kids. A few of you and your friends in school.”

Friends she hoped to reconnect with soon. “A reminder of the good things I have in my life.”

“You deserve so much more, Poppy. Never doubt that again.”

“If I do, I have you to remind me I’m worth it.”
