Page 53 of Tasting the Doctor

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Stand By My Man


A sex tape! No wonder Oliver is so rattled by his past hanging over him. Now that I know what’s behind his occasional mercurial behavior, I’m immediately on his side. I want to hunt down that woman and give her a piece of my mind. I’m curious about what kind of woman, especially one as stunning as she is, would resort to such tactics to keep Oliver. Not that Oliver isn’t worth fighting for because he is. But if she really loved him, she wouldn’t take this drastic action against him. Her desire to humiliate him makes me believe that her actions are more about retaliation. The fact that she’s willing to let herself be exposed as well leads me to think she’s not being completely rational. The scorched-earth mentality, in which she will burn herself down along with her prey suggests something along the lines of a diagnosable mental health disorder. Of course, not knowing anything about her, I can't be sure. Perhaps she’s just that angry. A woman scorned.

Equal to the rage I feel toward her is my empathy with Oliver. For months now, this woman has been threatening his livelihood and reputation. When he spoke about embarrassing Theo, I got the feeling that that was the part that he dreaded the most. It makes Oliver the complete opposite of this woman because he cares about how his actions will impact others. I wonder if she’s considered her family or friends. Surely they would be horrified if she released this video? Apparently, her hatred and anger toward Oliver makes her not care. Unless she’s calling his bluff. The fact that Oliver is tormented by this suggests he believes she will release the video.

I don’t know the solution to this problem, but I do know that I want to be there for Oliver through it all. I want to stand by him as he works through this even as I have to consider how it could impact me and my reputation. The fact that I’m willing to take the risk solidifies my realization that I’m in love with him. I don’t know if he loves me too, although I do think that he cares for me. I hope that he will let me be there by him as he fights this woman to protect his integrity, his credibility, and his reputation.

Sex isn’t the answer to anything, but I remember how he used it when he came back from his visit with Theo on Saturday as a way to soothe me, and so I’m willing to do that again. I want to help him forget, even for just a few moments, about how much damage this woman could do to him, and potentially to his brother, although I suspect Theo would be able to endure such a thing.

As we lay naked in bed and his hands caress my body and his lips kiss me, it almost feels as if he’s making love to me. Like I’m the one being soothed. I want it to mean something. I want it to mean that he loves me too, but I stop short of believing it, because if I’m wrong, it will hurt too much.

He settles his hips between my thighs and slides his hands down my arms, clasping my hands in his, pushing them up over my head.

“Look at me, Charlotte.”

I force my eyes open and look up into his brilliant blue eyes filled with something I wish is love. As I hold on to his gaze, je presses his hips down and forward, filling me inch by slow inch, like he’s filling my soul.

Emotion overwhelms my senses, bringing tears to my eyes. I don’t want Oliver to see it, so I lift my head and fuse my lips to his, completing the circuit of our bodies. He groans and kisses me back with a mixture of desperation and gentleness.

He breaks away from the kiss, his lips trailing along my jaw, down my neck to my shoulder. His body moves slow and controlled, withdrawing and filling me, and the sensations are so sweet. I can’t remember a time being with someone like this, and having so much emotion rising up raw and unprotected. I want to be with him like this forever. Our entwined bodies together in more than a physical enjoyment, but almost like two souls joining together in some sort of metaphysical plane. I know it’s endorphins making me feel and think like this, but I let them loose and allow myself to feel them because in this moment, I just want to be in love with this man who is making love to me.

“Charlotte,” he says in a strangled groan as he wraps his hand under my body and holds me so tight that I can’t move. His head dips into the crook of my neck as he holds us still.

I caress his back. “Is something wrong?”

“No.” He lifts his head and looks intently at me. “I just don’t want to be done yet.”

The intensity of his gaze and the emotion and deep tone in his voice again makes me wonder if he feels more for me like I feel more for him. But I’m not brave enough to tell him how I feel, so I simply squeeze his hand which is still holding mine. “I don’t want to be done either.”

He dips his head, kissing me again gently and we lay still except for our kisses. It’s the sweetest, most romantic thing I’ve ever experienced. And I love him all the more for it.

But soon, nature has thoughts of her own, and slowly, our bodies begin to move together in the most beautiful dance God ever created. It’s not long before I’m teetering on the edge, feeling that torturous anticipation just before he pushes me over into ecstasy.

“Charlotte, now,” he says as his hips pump faster and faster.

And then I’m there, floating on the edge of a tidal wave as pleasure floods my body. I cry out his name, and hold him to me tightly, never wanting to let go.

He lets out a long, feral growl, and I feel him reach his release too, and I ride it with him until the very end.

It’s several moments before either of us can move or speak. I’m aware that I’m on a time crunch, as I have to get back to my office to see a client. For the first time in my life, I wish I could be the one to cancel, but that would be unprofessional.

Oliver lifts his head and looks down on me, using his fingers to gently caress my cheek in a gesture that is so sweet, my heart fills to capacity in my chest.

“I know you have to get back to the office. But if you have a couple minutes, I’d like to hold you.”

Just when I think his lovely gestures can’t get any better, they do.

I press my hand to his cheek, getting lost in his beautiful blue eyes. “I have a few minutes before I need to leave.”

He smiles, and it fills my soul. In this moment it’s just him and me. I wish it could be like this forever.

He changes his position, pulling me close so that my head is resting on his shoulder. I feel cherished and loved, although I remind myself that I need to guard from letting myself fall too far in love with him.

He kisses the top of my head. “Thank you for not thinking less of me."”
