Page 25 of Silent Noise

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My Beta came to my side, squinting. “Looks old. The skin’s healed and turned white already.”

“It’s the same with the incision,” the nurse said from behind, placing the thin medical file back into its basket.

“Can we see it?” My Beta asked too quickly, straightening.

“That won’t be necessary,” I cut in, scowling at him. The hospital gown they had given her was flimsy and basic enough. Judging by her exposed back, it was obvious she wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

“How can you be sure it’s a medical incision?” I asked, stepping back again and folding my arms.

“It’s a clean cut, Alpha. A straight line made by a sharp blade, probably scalpel. Well healed, no signs of shredding.”

“Tell me everything she said before she fell asleep.”

The nurse hesitated, shifting awkwardly on her feet. “To be honest, I have no idea.”

My eyes snapped to her. “What do you mean?”

“Well, she was delirious, sir. Talking nonstop about one of the entities in the forest, claiming it had taken hold of her, spoke to her even. She’d ignored all of our questions, just kept going on and on about it.”

I turned to face the nurse, a hand lifting to my chin on its own accord. “What entity? How did it speak to her?”

“I-I don’t know, Alpha. I’d stopped listening when I realised she must have seen one of the beings in the forest. She was probably scared out of her mind.”

I didn’t say anything as I studied the nurse. She began fidgeting under my scrutiny.

“Some people ramble when they’re frightened. Besides, it’s not unusual for victims of trauma or someone who obtained brain damage to hallucinate and hear things,” she finally said, lowering her gaze away from mine.

I kept my eyes fixed on her. “I thought you said she had no nerve damage?”

“A concussion technically counts as temporary brain damage, sir.”

A dull ache pulled between my shoulder blades, and I rolled my shoulders, stretching my neck. Realising how stiff the muscles were, I rubbed at them, finally looking away from the nurse.

“What did she say about this particular entity?”

“I didn’t think to listen, Alpha. It seemed like the ramblings of a mad woman. We all know the entities can’t talk. they’re harmless.”

A flash of anger exploded behind my eyes. “There's a reason no wolf is allowed to wander beyond Blade Rock’s borders within the northern part of Marillia Forest after sunset, you know.” I waved her off, watching her scramble from the room.

Malcolm, send a search party to the north-western corner where the girl had been found. Search both the north and western border for any signs of unwelcome visitors. I linked my Delta.

On our way, Alpha, his reply came.

Let me know if you find anything other than the usual sightings.

Moving closer, I gripped her wrist and lifted her hand, turning it over to inspect her palm. The skin there was tough, calloused.

“You think she’s a rogue?” my Beta asked, coming to stand beside me.

“She doesn’t smell like one.”

He nodded.

“Smells like an Alpha.”

He nodded again. Lowering her hand back to the mattress, I leaned over and tugged the duvet up to cover her exposed skin. “Have someone watch over her and tell me when she wakes.”

“Yes, Alpha.”
