Page 27 of Dare To Love Me

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Ok, enough of this pity-party shit.

The best things my grandfather taught me was how to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, feeling sorry for yourself will gain you nothing, and to face things head on. Never let life beat you down. You are not alone, and nothing will come your way that you can’t handle. You’ve just got to have faith.

God help me.

I hopped out of bed, took a shower, threw on a worn pair of jean shorts and a blue tank top. No makeup and hair thrown into a messy bun atop my head, I headed for the door.

I lifted my hand to knock, then froze. Once it opened I would be stepping into a new life. And for a few terrifying moments the weight of it hung on my shoulders like a ton of bricks.

I straitened my spine, drew in a deep breath and banged on the door.

Bring it on.
