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Because her arm was against Cullen’s, Leigh felt his muscles turn to iron. “Know what?” Cullen demanded.

“That Austin was having an affair.” The words rushed out, followed by another sob.

Oh, mercy. This was a new wrinkle, and Leigh already had a bad feeling about it.

“No, I didn’t know about any affair. You’re sure he was cheating?” Cullen pressed.

“I’m sure. I found out last night. I accidently took his phone with me.”

Well, that explained why they hadn’t been able to reach Austin.

“Austin’s always forgetting his password so when it rang, I answered it,” Kali went on. “It was just his dad wanting to make sure he got home all right after the party, but that’s when I saw the texts.”

“What texts?” Cullen demanded.

“God, Cullen,” Kali said on a hoarse sob, “Austin’s been having an affair with Alexa.”
