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One year later

Checking the turkey, I call out to Ivy. “I think it’s done. What time did they say they would be here?”

She walks into the kitchen, securing her earrings as she peeks at the turkey. “They should be here any minute.”

The door sounds as Ivy is basting the turkey. “I’ll get it.” I let Owen and Cynthia in…and Gracie. After all, she is family, furry or not. She’s not about to miss the food that inevitably falls to the floor.

I hug them both as they enter. “You’re getting a real treat today. Ivy has been in cooking overdrive for the last couple of days. I think I’ve gained ten pounds just fromsmellingit!”

Taking their packages from them, I place them underneath the tree. “When are you two leaving for England?”

“In two weeks!” Cynthia exclaims enthusiastically. “Our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. We’ve never had a vacation like this before. We’re so excited!”

Owen picks up one of the many pictures that are scattered throughout the penthouse. “This trip with all four of us in Costa Rica was pretty close.”

Cynthia slips her arm around Owen, hugging him tightly. “Itwasincredible.”

Looking around the penthouse, everything is so different from a year ago. Ivy’s touch is everywhere. Picture of all of our trips together and with Cynthia and Owen are everywhere. It no longer looks like no one lives here. Now, it is very obvious that love lives here. What used to be cold is now warm, and I owe it all to Ivy.

Cynthia joins Ivy to help finish up the meal. Owen and I are on rudimentary detail. Sometimes being unskilled is an advantage.

“How is your internship with Annie Leibovitz going?” Cynthia asks Ivy as we sit down to dinner.

Annie was so impressed with Ivy’s work that she decided to offer her a full-year internship. She’s also working part-time in the accounting department at Advent as an intern. Now, it’s up to Ivy to decide what makes her the happiest.

“It’s been incredible!” Ivy says animatedly. She starts going into detail on some of the celebrity shoots she’s been involved with. “I am always learning. Every day is something new.”

After dinner, we sit down to open our presents. After all presents are opened, Ivy sneaks into the guest bedroom and returns with one more, handing it to me. “I hope you like it.”

Reaching into the bag, I feel the familiar edge of a picture frame. I wonder what special moment she’s captured this time. Pulling it out, I am surprised to find a picture that is not one of Ivy’s. It’s better.

I look up at her wondrously. “Is this what I think it is?”

She nods happily. “That’s our baby. You’re going to be a daddy!”

My fingers trace the image before me, letting it all sink in. How did my life go from its sterile existence to this in such a short time? The answer is standing before me. Ivy.

“George,” she looks at me questioningly. “Are you okay?”

Realizing that she is worried that I’m unhappy about it, I scoop her up into my arms joyously. “I’m the best I’ve ever been!”

Owen and Cynthia hug us both excitedly. “I think it’s time for a toast,” Cynthia announces.

I pour us all champagne except for Ivy. She gets the sparkling grape juice that she snuck into the fridge earlier without me seeing.

Cynthia holds up her glass. “To life. Sometimes it takes us on an unexpected journey that we question at first. In the end, we come to realize that, though it was scary and uncertain in the beginning, it was worth the risk…and the faith. Congratulations!”

Now it’s my turn. I face Ivy. “Ivy, before I met you, I was merely existing. I was moving through my days with no purpose other than work. That wasn’t living. You’ve taught me what it means to truly live. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t thank the powers that be that you are in my life. With you, everything makes sense.”

I pull her to my side, staring into her eyes with my soul completely bared. “I love you, Ivy. You make each day a new adventure. I can’t wait to share our love and adventures with our child. I promise to be the best man and father that I can be.”

Her green eyes shimmer with tears. “I know. I promise to be that for you, too.”

Tipping her chin up, I look down at her. “It’s only just beginning.” With that, I place a sound kiss on her lips, hearing the distant cheers from Owen and Cynthia. All I know is that my life is finally that…a life, a happy and full one.

