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They said their goodbyes, and Laz locked up behind him. He leaned against the door and released a sigh of relief as he glanced around the open space. The suite was a nice size and decorated in browns and blues. It looked like a small apartment with a living room, dining room combo, a tiny kitchen area, and a second bathroom off the living room. The space was perfect for a little R&R.

Laz strolled past the kitchen and returned to the living room just as Hamilton disconnected his call.

“Got some good news,” Hamilton said.

“Great. I can use some.” Suddenly feeling the effects of the evening, Laz rubbed his forehead and eased into one of the cushioned chairs in the dining area.

“They found Tamar Warner.”

Laz perked up, glad he’d be able to give Journey the good news when she woke up. “Where’d they find her?”

“Savannah, Georgia. She was staying with a cousin, but when that same cousin found out there was a reward for any information on Tamar, she called the hotline.”

Laz grunted and yawned. “That’s messed up, but good for us.”

“Yeah, based on my source, the Feds picked Tamar up an hour ago. She’ll be formally arraigned in Federal court on Monday.”

Good. At least Journey wouldn’t have to deal with her old nemesis as she finished pulling her case against Dennis Stratton together.

There was a knock on the door, and Laz flinched. His hand automatically went to the back of his waistband for his weapon, only to remember that the cops had it.


“Relax, man,” Hamilton said as he walked past him. “I’ll get it. The front desk called and said you had a delivery earlier this evening. I had them send it up. That’s probably who’s at the door.”

When Hamilton returned, Laz accepted the black bag from him and glanced inside, knowing immediately what it was.

“Thanks. Actually, thanks for everything you did tonight. Sorry about what happened downstairs.” Laz appreciated his friend trying to talk him off the ledge with Tony, even if he struggled to listen.

“No apology necessary. I would’ve behaved just like you, and I know you would’ve been there to talk me down.”

“Umm, I’m not too sure about that,” Laz chuckled, and Hamilton joined in. “I probably would’ve been the one encouraging you to take the bastard out.”

“Good point. That’s why we need the Ashtons and the Kentons in our life. But seriously, I’m proud of you. The old Laz might’ve smoked him before thinking about the consequences.”

His friend was right. He was an eye-for-an-eye kind of guy. If someone did him wrong, he’d come for them and make them regret ever knowing him. He might not have used the best judgment with the shooters, but he was glad Hamilton had been able to stop him from killing Tony.

Progress. I’m making progress.

* * *

The next morning, Journey didn’t physically feel like her usual self, but mentally, she was happy to be alive. Her emotional state was a different story. It would take time to get past the fact that she could’ve been killed last night. But knowing that her family was safe would go a long way.

She was so glad that she and Laz had had the foresight to book the hotel suite the night before. This morning, they’d had breakfast and were now lounging in bed watching television.

“I’m glad they found her,” she said of Tamar. There was a breaking news report on the TV screen showing the arrest from the night before. “People like her make it hard to trust political figures.”

“Yeah,” Laz agreed as he sipped a cup of coffee. “Do you think you’ll reach out to her or go see her?” Laz asked.

“No. She’s not a friend, and she’s no longer a part of my case against Dennis Stratton. She belongs to the Feds now. She and I have nothing to discuss.”

After talking to Prentice earlier, Journey had learned that Tony had no knowledge of Tamar accepting bribes. He thought they were really building a relationship until she vanished, going on the run after news broke about her accepting bribes. Tamar, on the other hand, knew Tony was up to something but claimed she didn’t know what, according to her statement to the police.

For some reason, Journey believed Tony, even though he’d held her at gunpoint. He really seemed to care for Tamar, whereas it sounded like the feeling wasn’t mutual.

“All right, enough of this. I don’t want to hear the name Tamar or Tony anytime soon,” Laz said and turned off the television. “I have something for you.”

Laz eased off the bed. She was glad to see him wearing his sling again and hoped this time he’d allow his shoulder wound to heal. He left the bedroom and returned seconds later with a bag and handed it to her.
