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“You’ve got Ace and me for a week.” Clay leaned forward. “Are you telling me we can’t have fun, even if we have to stay indoors?” He shook his head. “And here I thought you were the mighty Orc Bane.”

“You really mean it?” Hurt underscored her fragile hope. “You’re staying?”

“Nothing in this life is certain but death and that homemade is always better, but I’ll do my best.”

“Okay.” A breeze stirred my hair as his intentions registered. “We’re going to have so much fun.”

Across from me, Asa smiled a little smile. I was grateful he didn’t mind Clay being Colby’s obvious favorite. I got the impression he appreciated any distraction that let us spend more time together.


Warmth spread through my cheeks as I imagined having Asa under my roof for a whole week with nothing to occupy our time…except each other.

After Asa parked the SUV, I collected the grimoire from the floorboard and walked Colby into the house. While she powered up her gaming rig, I locked the grimoire in the safe, then stepped out to help unload.

Clay skirted us, carrying his wig boxes, cooing under their lids about the tender care they would receive.

As soon as he entered the house, Asa pinned me against the open rear hatch with his hips.

“Yes?” I tilted back my head. “Can I help you?”

“I would like to kiss you.” He searched my face, his eyes going soft. “Do I have your permission?”

Unsticking my tongue from the roof of my mouth, I managed, “Yes.”

He leaned down, his scent washing over me, filling my head. He brushed his nose against mine before he glided it over my cheek, along my jaw, nuzzling until he could inhale the vulnerable spot beneath my ear.

Fever warm lips brushed over that delicate skin when he spoke. “Thank you.”

Withdrawing in a rush, he loaded his arms with luggage and left me standing there on wobbly knees.

Seconds later, Clay returned for his bags, read my sorry state, and clucked his tongue. “Told you so.”

“I don’t understand daemons.” I glared at the front door. “He asked to kiss me, but then he…”

I flung my arm toward the house, making it plain Asa got me hot and bothered then split.

“Try smearing frosting on your lips.” He winked. “Or maybe chocolate sauce.”

“You are the worst,” I huffed, still tingly all over from how Asa left me. “The absolute worst.”

“I told you to leave Ace alone, and you chose to hear it as I hope you and Ace bone.”

“I can’t help myself.” Heat lit my cheeks like beacons. “He does this, so I have to do that.”

“Have you considered turning the tables on him? You do this, so he must do that?”

The lightbulb moment he inspired blinded me for several seconds. “You might be on to something.”

What better time to turn the tables than during his weeklong Thanksgiving stay?

Asa thought he had seven days to cash in his smooch voucher, but I bet I could punch his ticket in one.

Let the games, and the turkey basting, begin.
