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“Just three boxes for a flight across the ocean?” Harper teased through tears.

“Rowen,” Landon called. “Open her up.”

Two car alarm chirps nipped the air, and the hatch on Penny’s Lamborghini opened. A wall of cupid bakery boxes filled every nook and cranny of the space.

“Wow,” she breathed.

“You know you can always trust me to do the right thing when it comes to bonbons.”

She stared at her husband’s beautiful face. “IbelieveI can.”

There was that word again.


“And Oscar’s recording everything on the camcorder you let me play with. I asked him to do it,” Aria added. The kid gestured toward a cluster of leafy dogwood bushes, and the little boy emerged. Camera in hand, he sprinted toward them and came in for a closeup.

“Want me to record your aunt crying some more?” Oscar asked.

Aria glanced at the screen. “No, that’s enough crying. Now film me,” the little girl directed.

Oscar pointed the camera at her.

“Harper likes her surprise so much she’s crying like a baby. The end,” Aria announced, then twirled.

Attitude for miles with this one.

Oscar closed the viewfinder and returned the camera to the girl. “That was an awesome ending,” the boy cooed.

“I know,” Aria replied, not lacking in confidence. “I’m gonna go say goodbye to Sebastian and Phoebe and sneak us some bonbons for the car ride to the airport,” Aria announced. “Will you be okay, Aunt Harper? You’re still kind of crying like Tucker in my class did when I told him he smelled like cafeteria tuna noodle casserole.”

This sass-pot of a kid.

She gathered her wits. “It’s like Penny said, honey. These are happy tears.”

“And don’t worry if you lose the tickets and the envelope,” Aria added. “We don’t really need them. Uncle Landy is rich and has his own plane.”

She pressed the items to her heart. “This envelope and these tickets are the best surprises anyone has ever given me. There’s no way I’d misplace them.”

A feisty smirk returned to Aria’s lips, and the child leaned in. “I knew you’d like my surprise. I love you, Aunt Harper,” she whispered before taking Oscar’s hand. The pair bolted before she could return the sentiment.

She loved that mouthy mini beast.

She rose to her feet and brushed the tears away.

“Did you think we’d leave without you?” Landon asked gently, touching her moist cheek.

She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “I wasn’t sure.”

“I’m not going anywhere without my double-dog dare wife. We make a good team.”

They did.

“I believe we do,” she answered.

He brushed his thumb across her lips and twisted his into a sexy smirk. “Maybe it’s not so terrible being with a musician?”

“Maybe it’s not,” she breathed, pressing onto her toes, ready to kiss the cocky expression off the man’s face when the pound of footsteps on the pavement popped their swoon bubble.
