Page 50 of Legal Trouble

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“Blue.” The word was barely a whisper. “That’s my favorite color. And I’ve always really wanted to visit Ireland, and I have rats because my brother used to love them. Playing with them always makes me think of him. As for the future, I sure hope you’ll still be there in a decade because, heaven help me, I went and fell in love with you, Noah Whitlow.”

Before he had time to fully process her words, she crushed her mouth to his and incinerated every rational thought in his head.

“Take me to bed, Noah,” she said between kisses.

He didn’t know if he tugged her or she pushed him, but by the time they reached his bedroom, they were both breathless. Except for last night, he’d never had a woman in this bed. This was his space. It was for sleeping and nothing more. Sex happened elsewhere. Hotel rooms, club bathrooms, the back of a limo, a lover’s place. Didn’t matter so long as they never,everinvaded his personal space, but with Emma, his personal space was precisely where he wanted her.

“Corazón, eres la mujer de mi vida,”he murmured.

“And you’re the only man in my life.”

Overcome with the beauty of the moment, as well as the significance, he rested his forehead against hers. He was about to become her first lover, and in all the ways that truly mattered, she was about to become his first. He’d had sex before, but it had only ever been about finding physical release or having fun. But not with Emma. She would be the first woman he truly made love to, and he wanted the night to be perfect.

“Don’t move,” he whispered.

When she nodded, he took three steps backward. Since being naked in front of him had been difficult for her last time, he undressed first, putting himself in the more vulnerable situation. Gaze glued to her, he removed his shirt and tossed it at her feet. The softest pink tinged her cheeks, and when he unsnapped his jeans, her eyes widened. He took his time removing his pants and towing off his shoes and socks.

When he was naked, he gave her a long moment to look her fill. Pride had him fighting back a devilish grin. He knew what his body did to women. Good genetics and a dedicated routine with a personal trainer had helped him sculpt a body that had tempted many a woman, but knowing Emma liked what she saw was the ultimate turn-on.

“Your turn,” he said when her gaze found his again.

She disrobed much too slowly for his liking, but she moved at a constant pace—without hesitation. He took that as progress, and when she was naked before him, too, he held a hand toward her.

“Come here,Corazón.”

He’d called herCorazón.

He’d called her his heart.

Emma’s head was a tilt-a-whirl of emotions as Noah pulled her onto the bed. No,pulledwas too harsh of a word, buteasedwas too gentle. Whatever it was, though, urgency spurred it and had her mind spinning.

When they knelt together in the center of the enormous mattress, his erection hard between them, she fought to bring her heart rate back into a non-lethal range. But how did a girl do that with a man like Noah touching her?

She buried her fingers into the satin of his hair and held tight. He was the personification of everything a lifetime of physical and mental abuse had nearly convinced her she didn’t deserve, but here, naked in Noah’s bed, she knew two things for sure: one, she loved Noah Whitlow, and two, she sure as hell deserved love in return.

With a move she never saw coming, he flipped her onto her back, but he didn’t follow her onto the mattress. Kneeling between her splayed thighs, he didn’t speak for a long moment. His gaze roamed her body in a way that had pleasure effervescing through her.Pleasure, she realized with a giddy jolt, and not horror. Just pleasure.

“Corazón, you are positively stunning.”

No, I’m not.

The response was on the tip of her tongue, but she held it back because, when he looked at her the way he did, she absolutelyfeltstunning. And that was another breakthrough.

“You should see the view from here,” she murmured, running a fingernail along the hard ridges of his abdomen.

“Not as good as mine. Trust me on that.”

She did trust him, and that was another breakthrough. She one hundred percent trusted this man. Maybe forever wasn’t in their future, but whatever this was between them, it was real. She’d take that miracle tonight; tomorrow, she’d wish for a new one.

Better yet, she’dmakeone.
