Page 59 of Hunting the Alpha

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Ifound Grace helping at the diner, finishing up her shift. Happy with the timing and my plans, she agreed to come clothes shopping with me.

“How’s the truck?” she asked as we headed toward Majestic.

“It runs great. But I need to say something …” I prepared myself for the fallout. “Donovan said you know about everything. About me.”

She hooked her arm through mine. “He told me most of it. But I’m hoping you’ll fill in the gaps.”

Relieved, I squeezed her arm in appreciation, not realizing how desperately I’d wanted Grace’s forgiveness until I had it. “What bits don’t you know?”

“What was your plan for getting Donovan away from here? And what happened last night to put that lovely glow around you?”


Grace laughed. “Yeah. ‘Ah.’ But I’m not letting you off the hook with just ‘Ah.’ I need details.”

I gave her the details, filling her in about my failed drugging attempt at The Gray Robin, and how I’d gone from slapping a beer out of Donovan’s hand to ending up in his bed, to him showing me his wolf. By the time I’d finished, we’d reached the clothes store.

Grace beamed. “That’s a huge deal that he showed you his wolf. It means he’s confident about you and the connection.” She pushed open the door to Majestic, and I followed her inside, where music played in the background. “I’m so pleased for you both. Come on. Let me introduce you to Mathilda.”

Mathilda, a woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties, glanced up from rolling paint on the walls. “Oh hey, Grace,” she said, putting down the roller, and wiping her hands on a cloth nearby. “Excuse the paint smell. I’ve decided to spruce up the place. What can I do for you?”

“My friend, Savannah here, needs some clothes. She’s decided to stay a few more days, and we’ll need something for the cookout at Donovan’s tomorrow.”

“Hi, Savannah.” Mathilda smiled.

“Hi.” I cast her eyes across the store. “You have some gorgeous clothes here.”

“A lot of the clothes I sell I showcase online. But they do well enough with the younger wolves. They like to stay on-trend, even though they never leave the creek.” She rolled her eyes. “Go ahead and browse. I’ll be here if you need anything.”

“Thanks, Matty,” Grace said, and the woman returned to her painting.

Grace picked a few clothes off the rack and I did the same. We ended up in a spacious changing room, each taking turns to try things on.

Music blasted through the speakers giving us some privacy for our conversation. It allowed me to sate my curiosity. I asked Grace, “Is Matty a… you know… wolf?”

Grace laughed. “No. She’s human. There are a few around here. I’m one, too, if you’re worried about asking. But my parents are wolves.”

“They are?” I finished shoving a dress over my head.

“Yeah. So, in theory, I should be able to sprout fur by now. But seeing as it didn’t happen when I hit puberty like every other wolf, the odds are low. Dormant wolves exist but they're rare.”

“Does it bother you?”

“Nah.” She shook her head. “Not so much. It sucks not knowing if I’ll have the life expectancy of my parents though, so they’re hoping I’ll engage the mate magic with another wolf” She studied me. “Do you know what that is?”

“Donovan filled me in some. He said it’s engaged with us. Whatever that means.”

“I’m glad he’s told you. You should have seen him the day he found out. He had Kyran around the throat when he stirred things up. Kyran’s a pain in the ass most days, but he cares for Donovan. He made him realize he’d found a mate in you.”

“Kyran?” I removed the dress and hung it up before reaching for another. “Is he a wolf, too?”

“That he is,” she sighed. I didn’t miss the longing in Grace’s eyes. “He’s the alpha of the neighboring pack and part of the alliance. They’re good friends. The four of them.”

“There are only four packs in the alliance?”
