Page 82 of Hunting the Alpha

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“She’s an artist, too,” Grace added. “She drew Donovan with wolves before she even knew about it, taken by Fate into the realms of the mate magic.” Grace sighed and smiled, but then her face fell.

Gen nudged her. “Please don’t tell me you’re not still hung up on Kyran?”

“No,” she blurted.

“Liar.” Gen turned to me. “She was twelve when Kyran first visited, and she’s been smitten ever since. Every time I came over to see her it was Kyran this, Kyran that, but do you think he will stop and smell the roses? Nope. Total asshole.”

“You can’t be angry with him for not feeling the same way, Gen,” Grace muttered.

“No. But I can be angry with him for being a blind fool. You need to get laid, get him out of your system. Lose the V and—”


Realizing what she’d said, Gen cringed, “Shit, sorry, Grace. I didn’t mean to out you with the V card, but come on!”

“I’m not judging,” I reassured her, my heart going out to Grace. If she was saving herself for a man who acted like a jealous idiot but never gave her anything more than a friend, then she needed to know. “I’m here if you want to talk about it. Anytime.”

Grace blushed. “Thanks, Sav. But tonight isn’t about me. It’s time for us to celebrate. Are you going to move to Colorado? Move here?”

“I don’t have much to leave behind, so yeah, I guess so.” I blew the hair from my face, “I’m trying not to think about how much of a big deal it is. Upping sticks for a guy I’ve just met.”

“Upping sticks for a wolf who you’ve mated with,” Gen corrected. “Don’t look at it through human eyes. It’s all about intuition and instinct with the wolves. And we’re both here for you if it ever gets too much. Grace has my number.”

Humbled, I smiled. “Thanks, Gen. And you, Grace. I suck at friendships as much as I do at relationships, and coming here, finding all this… It’s making everything easier.”

Gen tugged us both into a hug. “The three musketeers, baby. We’re gonna be great friends and create lots and lots of trouble for the alphas who think they’re all that.”

“Heck yes!” mimicked Grace.

I laughed and raised my grace. “I second the heck yes.”

Stepping back from our bonding, I noticed an attractive blond sidle over to Donovan. She held the hand of a young man who looked uncomfortable following her lead but went along with it anyway. Reaching for Donovan, the woman beamed and put a hand on his arm.

“Grace.” I tugged on her sleeve. “Who’s that?”

Turning to see who I was on about, her face fell. “That's Everleigh. His ex. Kind of.”

“Donovan was with Everleigh?” Gen asked in surprise.

“No,” Grace hurried on for my sake. “They weren’t together. Not like that. They slept together. Had fun. That’s all.”

“He’s brave,” Gen retorted.

A masochist, I continued to watch Everleigh’s interaction with Donovan. She danced around, laughing, trying to engage the others. Donovan laughed with her. The young man beside Everleigh didn’t look happy—especially when she gripped Donovan’s ass. Donovan didn’t move. He just stood there, the asshole. And after all the possessive shit he’d pulled on me when he’d interrupted our game of pool with the two young wolves last night.

“They only dated for a couple of months,” Grace reiterated, turning me to face her. “Kyran said she got pissed when he broke it off. But they weren’t exclusive.”

“Uh-uh,” I muttered, trying to listen to Grace’s further pleas, but curiosity went on and killed the cat as I turned back around.

Everleigh dropped her purse and bent down to retrieve it. Her butt brushed Donovan’s leg as she did so. Donovan smirked and leaned over to whisper something to Kyran. Kyran looked down at Everleigh slowly retrieving her purse, too, and nodded, a smile on his face.

“That asshole,” Grace growled from behind us, surprising me from my spying. But fuck it. I thought the same about Donovan.

“Drink up,” I ordered her, knocking back the cocktail. “We’re going to get another one.”

Grace did so, sharing it with Genevieve.

A yelp resounded from behind me, dragging my attention back to them again to see Everleigh falling into Donovan’s arms. Donovan caught her, holding on for a few more seconds longer than I liked. Everleigh snaked her arms around his neck.

“That’s it.” I put down my glass, ready to stomp over there and kick his ass, wolf be damned, but Gen stopped me.

“Don’t. Not with someone like Everleigh. She likes drama, so don’t give her the satisfaction.”

Through gritted teeth, I told her, “Gen, if it were the other way round, Donovan would be over here quicker than I could blink. Only last night, he and Kyran came strolling into the bar and told the wolves we played pool with to scurry the fuck away, but it’s okay for him to do that while I’m at the cookout with a woman he used to sleep with? And Kyran,” I continued to rant. “He had the damn nerve to throw Grace over his shoulder and take her home!”

“Maybe so. But there are better ways to play it. Come on.” She grabbed my hand and then Grace’s.

“Where are we going?”

“To have a wolf race, of course.” She laughed, skipping along, dragging us with her. “You can’t have a party with us wolves without doing one. And I think it’s time to participate. Let’s go pick you out a sexy wolf to ride.”

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