Page 20 of Bride

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He stops once we are a distance away from it and steps a little closer to me.

“Press will be showing up a little later to get the details of our engagement,” he says.

“And just what are the details?” I’m sure Gabriel isn’t going to tell the world his grandfather constructed the whole thing.

“We met, fell in love, and are now getting married.”

I cross my arms. “Ah, so now we have to pretend?” I step closer, meeting his eyes. “The contract said marriage, it never said anything about pretending to be happily in love.”

“Clementine, do you know how many women would kill to be married to me?”

“Well, let them marry you then.”

His eyes narrow. “I will not parade a wife in front of the world who appears to despise me.”


He cuts in, “Hate me on your own time. Hell, I know I’ll be doing the same thing. But, to the public, we’re in love.”

I try to reign in the anger. This was never part of the deal. “I don’t understand why it even matters.”

He steps closer, leaning in until we’re practically nose to nose, bracing his hand against the wall behind my head. “I have things going on that require finesse. Business deals that are in need of fine tuning. I will not have a wife defying me.”

“Defy?” I whisper.

“To the public we are in love. If you refuse, I’ll sue you for breach of contract.”

“You can’t…”

He raises his hand, and cuts me off, “I can and I’ll win.”

Now it’s my turn for my eyes to narrow. “You’re impossible, Gabriel Prince.”

He steps away, and glances over his shoulder. “I know.”
