Page 12 of Falls County

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Three and a half Years Ago

Standing in front of the mirror I tried to smooth down my hair with some water. It was our six-year anniversary. I wouldn’t tell Kaci where I was taking her on our date, just to be ready at 7 o’clock.

Patting my pockets, I felt for the red velvet box. Taking it out I popped it open looking at the ring Gracey helped me pick out special for Kaci. A simple silver band with a diamond sitting on top. Teardrop just like she wanted. Today was the day she would become mine forever.

I made my way to Kaci’s house. Walking up the sidewalk I rang the doorbell. I stood there waiting for her, my heart beating faster every second. The door opened and the woman behind it took my breath away.

Long blonde curls fell down her shoulders. I took in the dress she had on that fell just above her knees. Sunflowers covered the white fabric. I licked my lips at the sight of her.

“You look beautiful.”

“Thanks baby.” Her white teeth spread under her red lips.

Shutting the door, she took my hand as we walked to my pickup. I opened the door for her producing the flowers I had got just for her on this special night.

“Happy anniversary baby.”

“Awe Luke.” Her lips grazed mine. “Happy anniversary.”

With her hand in mine we drove the back roads to The Gates. The place I really met her only seemed fitting to ask her to marry me. Gracey and Drake helped set up the table and the candle walkway for me. Kaci gasped when it came into view.

“You did all this?”

Smiling I squeezed her hand. “I had a little help.”

“It’s amazing.”

As she walked around taking it all in I made sure to be in front of the trail camera I set up. I knew she would want pictures of this moment.

Getting on one knee I produced the box. Flipping it open my throat constricted. My eyes filled with tears. I had no words. Every speech I practiced vanished in that moment. The moment she realized exactly what was happening.

How did you tell the most perfect beautiful woman that you were so in love with her and you couldn’t imagine life without her? That you knew you didn’t deserve her but for some unknown reason she chose you anyways.

“Luke?” Kaci covered her mouth letting tears spill down her cheeks.

Swallowing over the lump in my throat I willed myself to speak. “I love you Kaci. Marry me?”

She didn’t say a word but instead kneeled down in front of me sobbing. Holding out her left hand her head bobbed up and down. “Yes.” It was a mere whisper.

I slid the ring onto her finger. Her breath hitched as she stared at the diamond. Whipping the tears from her cheeks I pressed my lips to hers before pulling her into my chest.

“Luke it’s beautiful.” Kaci’s lips found mine again. “I love you.”

“I love you too, so much.” I picked her up spinning around. Her laughter was contagious. “Now shall we eat soon to be Mrs. Carter?”

Her smile only got bigger. “Yes. Yes we shall.”

Walking to my pickup I reached in the cooler producing her favorite barbeque I picked up for dinner. As we ate Kaci kept looking down at her ring.

“How did you know my size?”

“Well Gracey was a huge help. She told me you liked that style too.”

“It’s perfect. But you know it’s not about the ring, it’s about the person.”

“Is that so?” I teased.

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