Page 14 of Falls County

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My arms were killing me. I had been rolling paint for at least four hours by now. It was never ending. Gracey was working today which reminded me I still hadn’t gone on the job hunt. I wasn’t quite ready to go back to my old job just yet.

Once I was done with the bathroom I would go into town and see what was available. I still hadn’t had the nerve to go anywhere in Falls just yet. Even going into town was risky. I still wasn’t past the point of everyone finding out I was back. But they would know. Soon. Very soon.

Brushing paint across the wood grains of the bathroom drawers I got lost in the music that was playing. Singing my heart out I didn’t hear the door open. It wasn’t until the figure standing in the doorway caught my eye that I jumped flinging paint across my face.

“Drake you scared the shit out of me.” I clenched my chest.

“Sorry. I just wanted to stop by see how you were.” He looked around. I knew Gracey told him.

Standing up I wiped down my legs. “I’m alright. How are you?”

“I’d be lying if I told you not telling my best friend you were here, in this house, in this town, was an easy task.” His arms folded against his broad chest.

Drake had always been a big man. Not that he had an ounce of fat on him. He towered over people at six-foot-four and his shoulders were so wide he had to stand sideways to get through most doors. Dad said that’s why he was so good at football. Besides his height he was also gorgeous. I could see why Gracey had fallen in love with him. But me? He was like my brother. People choose sides in divorces and well Drake chose Luke’s. Which wasn’t a big surprise.

“I know. I didn’t realize Gracey would get you so into this like she did.” I pinched the bridge of my nose. Anything to feel something other than my heart pounding.

“It’s not that.” He shifted his weight. “I’m happy to help. You’re like my baby sister I would do anything for you. But, my man is still hurting. He’s… I’ve never seen him like this Kac.”

And queue the tears. “I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry.”

“It’s not me who needs an apology.”

Scrubbing my hands down my face I looked up at my friend. “I know. But you also deserve one. I left you too.” Stepping forward I wrapped my arms around him. His bulky frame wasn’t like Luke’s.

“You didn’t leave me.” His arms wound around my neck. “I just had to stay with Luke.”

Once my tears dried I released my hold. Stepping back, I wiped at my face again. There was probably paint smeared everywhere but I was past the point of caring about that.

“So what’s the reason? He never told me.” Drake’s arms went back to his chest.

“I gave him some lame ass excuse about finding myself outside of him. I didn’t like the person I was becoming. I was sad and depressed from the accident. He never came to see me so I channeled all my anger on him about it. I know that’s not right now but I needed time to breathe without him doing it for me.” Picking at dried paint on my pants I looked up at Drake again. “I told him I would be back someday. I just don’t know that he wants me again.”

I could see in his eyes he was battling with what to say next. “Kaci, that man is so fucking in love with you its stupid. If you’re here to stay, and I mean forever, then you have my blessing. Don’t give up on him when he tries to push you away.”

“Okay.” It was all I could muster.

“I’ll leave you be. Looks good in here so far.” Drake started for the door. “It’s good to see you.”



“Are you going to tell Luke?”

“Directly? No. He doesn’t want to hear it from me. But I will drop some hints.”

Smiling I turned back into the bathroom. “See ya!”

I went back to painting. My mind raced replaying the conversation I just had with Drake over and over again. I knew that day wasn’t Luke’s fault. But how could we get through the sickness and health part of a marriage when we couldn’t last time?

Maybe it was just me who couldn’t get through it.

Five Years Ago

Everything hurt. I laid in bed staring at the dying flowers on the window seal. Still no sign of Luke. Just a few phone calls every day checking in. His voice would break on the phone so I knew he was hurting. But not near as much as I was.

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