Page 15 of Falls County

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They still had me in a brace. I wasn’t allowed to move by myself just yet. Physical therapy would come in once a day and do all these exercises with me. It had been a week. A whole week in this stupid bed. A whole week watching mindless TV eating hospital food. A whole week without Luke.

This fucking sucked.

I was getting more and more restless as the day’s drug on. I wasn’t sure how much more of this I could take. The pain was excruciating. The doctors had a hard time getting it under control. The only time I was able to sleep was when my pain killers were maxed out.

Gracey came by everyday to talk to me. Keep me up to date on the town drama as she liked to say. Mom and dad visited too, dragging Knox along. Even Luke’s parents, Amy and Mitch came by a few times. But no Luke.

Why wouldn’t he come see me? So what if I was broken?

I needed him here with me.

I needed him to tell me everything was going to be fine.

But a week turned to two, which turned to three, which turned to four.

Still no Luke.
