Page 19 of Falls County

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Dropping her hands, she opened her mouth to talk but I high tailed it through to the crowd out the door. She always had and always would drive me nuts. I could see why Kaci hated her.

Hopping in the pickup, I cracked open a beer and decided to take the long way home. I wanted to see what had been done to the Old Carlson Place so far. I cranked up the radio while I cruised the back roads.

I never drove very fast on the gravel roads anyways but this time I made sure to drive at a snails pace by the old house. The yard light was on shining over a very familiar trailer, along with a car I thought I’d never see again. Confirming what I already knew I inched forward to where the curtains were open, light shining in the living room.

Killing the lights to my pickup I stopped in the middle of the county road. My heart dropped to my stomach. Through that window I saw the blonde messy bun sitting on top of her head. The grey yoga pants with every color of paint you could imagine on them. The cutoff shirt with the fucking #37 on the back.

I finished off the beer I was drinking before popping the second one open. I watched as she danced around in-between rolling the paint on the wall. Even though her back was to me I knew she was still as beautiful as ever.

Once my second beer was finished and she disappeared into another room I drove the rest of the way home. Not sure what to do with the information I just found out I took a long steaming shower. As I got into bed I checked my phone.

Jenn: Sorry about tonight. Maybe some other time.

Drake: Party at the bar!!!

Nothing from the only person I wanted to hear from. Shooting off a text I placed my phone down on the nightstand and willed myself to sleep.

“What do you mean I have some explaining to do?”

“You fucking lied to me!” I was in Drakes face. “I know it’s her. And you’ve been what, helping her? I saw your trailer and your truck there last night.”

Drake stood in my living room pacing. “Yeah I lied. I hooked everything up for Gracey to help her out with. I didn’t want them two getting hurt. Besides I wanted her to be the one to tell you she was back not me.”

“Have you talked to her?” My blood was boiling. I was pissed and nervous all at the same time.


“And?” I needed to know.

“And I don’t know what you want me to say. She just said she was sorry for leaving and that she’s back for good.”

Back for me?

“Yeah she’s back for you man!” Shit I said that out loud. “Fucking dumbass.”

“Well what am I supposed to do?” I took my hat off running a hand through my hair. “What am I supposed to do?” I asked again almost to myself. Rubbing at my chest I willed the ache to go away.

“Whatever you want to. Call her. Don’t call her. Give her the cold shoulder. Fuck her.” He pushed his hands to his head before crossing them over his chest again. “Do you want her back?”

“Yeah I do.” I looked down at the floor before looking back at Drake. “But the balls in her court. I’m not making the first move this time.”


