Page 18 of Falls County

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Leaving the field, I stopped by the bar to grab a beer before heading home. We were almost done with harvest which felt like a huge relief off my back. Corn was good and the market was good. Pulling into the parking lot I noticed it was a lot busier than usual. What day is it? Checking my phone, I realize its Saturday. Fuck.

I headed inside with the pickup still running for Bentley. The temperatures had started to drop and even though I planned to get a to go beer, someone would stop me. Pulling open the door to the bar I noticed there was people in costumes all over. Reaching for my phone I checked the date, November 2. Does Halloween last a week now?

I walked up to the bar before motioning Kim over. I don’t mind the other bar tender but she’s fucking weird. When she’s not drinking on the clock she’s outside smoking on it. And she flirts a little too much. She’s not a bunch older than I am but she is by at least ten years. Her hair frizzes out from too much heat Kim says, and her teeth are a shade of yellow. Shaking away the thought I notice Kim’s staring right at me.

“Sorry, I’m just not a fan of your new bartender.”

“Her names Amanda.”

“Whatever. Can I get two Busch Lights to go?”

“You got it!” Kim reached into the cooler producing two tall boys. “Five bucks.”

“Thanks.” Throwing a ten on the counter I ask her. “What is with all these costumes?”

“Halloween party.” She yelled over the music.

“It was like days ago.” I scanned the crowd.

“Since most these people have jobs they do it the closest Saturday now.”

“If you have a job you shouldn’t be dressing up for Halloween.” Pushing off the counter I scooped up my drinks. “Have a good one.”

“You too sweetie.”

Making my way through the crowd I headed for the door. A hand captured my arm. Spinning I saw it was some sort of butterfly thing.

“What’s up?”

Arms flung around my neck pulling me down. I stood there stiff not enjoying whoever the fuck this was pulling on me.


“Yeah?” I wasn’t going to be rude and say what I wanted to. Because it would have sounded something like can you get the fuck away from me so I can go home, shower, and go to bed.

“How are you? I’ve missed you!” The butterfly spoke.

“Uh I’ve been alright thanks. Now who…” I let it hang in the air hoping she would get the hint.

She reached up taking the mask off her eyes I knew who it was right away. Shit.

“Hi Jenn.”

“I can’t believe you didn’t know it was me!”

“Yeah. Well good talk I’m gonna head out.” I started for the door when her hand caught my arm, again.

“Please stay.” Jenn batted her eyes at me.

I swear this woman could not take a hint. It’s been this way since the day she could talk. I knew she liked me but I never had a thing for brunettes. The Snapchat’s only got more frequent when Kaci left me. I hardly ever replied. I didn’t want to lead her on or do anything to sabotage ever having another shot with Kaci. Besides Kaci hated Jenn.

“I can’t. I have to go.” I took a step back when she stepped in front of me. Her other hand rubbed up and down my arm. Thank fuck I had a sweatshirt on or my skin would have been crawling more than it already was.

“I can come with you.” She attempted to make her voice sexy. Nope.

“I don’t think that’s a very good idea.” Lifting my hat up I scratched my head before pushing it back down. “Now, can you please let go of me? I’ve got to be up early unlike most of you guys in here.”

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