Page 22 of Falls County

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Here I sit at the bar wondering if I’ll see him.

The one person who knows me better than I know me.

The person I love the most in this world.

The person whose heart I broke while breaking my own in the process.

Luke Carter.

It was a bad idea that I came. He wasn’t going to come to the bar with harvest going on. Besides he would probably see my car and leave.

It was no doubt Kim was surprised to see me. I’m sure in no time everyone in this town would know I was back. But what they didn’t know was that I’d been back for almost a month. This is just the first time I’ve had the courage to go anywhere in this town.

Hearing the door open I didn’t look back. I didn’t want to know who just walked in. My heart started to race. Stirring my drink seamlessly the hairs on the back of my neck stood up at the sound of his voice. A voice I haven’t heard in 412 days. But who’s counting?

“Whiskey today. Thanks.”

That slow drawl made my knees weak. I kept my eyes focused on the way the ice moved when I stirred my drink. The chair beside me scooted back and down plopped Luke. That familiar smell of grease and dirt invaded my nostrils. I willed myself not to look at this man beside me. His eyes were fixed on the wall in front of us as he sipped his drink.

Brown curls poke out from under his seed corn ball cap. His beard frizzes and curls in all different directions. There’s dirt under his fingernails and grease stains on his Carhartt sweatshirt. He’s still as handsome as the day I met him years ago. His voice cuts through my thoughts.

“Kaci.” My heart sank.


Green eyes stared back into mine, “How have you been?”

In the time it takes me to respond the bartender refills both our drinks. Clearing my throat, I manage a reply. “Fine. What about you?”

“Oh, can’t complain.”

“Harvest is going good I take it?”

“Good as can be expected.” He turned his focus back on the wall.

I didn’t respond. I just sat there wondering what he had been up to while I’ve been away. If he’s missed me like I’ve missed him. Seeing Luke again reminds me of the good days. The days we were young and carefree. Some of the best days of my life.

Eight Years Ago

The drive to Snake River wasn’t far from his parent’s place. The river got its name because it curved like crazy all through our town. We had river bridges everywhere. Speeding down the back road we had the windows down hand in hand. Country music played on the radio. He looked out the window at the corn and beans just like he always did, and I, well I looked at him.

Gravel crunched as we pulled to a stop beside the Gates. It was the spot where the river collected water that ran into ditches for irrigation and then merged back into Snake River. The perfect swimming hole. Everyone knew you had to be careful about the gates to not get to close or you could be swept under. No one talked about the people who had died here.

Jumping out of the pickup I took off my clothes down to my bathing suit. It was the perfect summer day. Not blistering hot just right. I put my clothes in my bag and reached for my sunscreen. If I didn’t get some on now I would be a lobster quick. Fair skin and all.

Rounding the pickup Luke gripped my waist, “Did I ever tell you how hot you are?”

“A time or two.” His lips sealed mine. “Why do you have your shirt on still?

Instead of answering me he grabbed the inner tubes out of the bed and threw them into the swimming hole.

“Kac do you want to swim a little first or just jump and get it over with?” Luke asked while stripping off his shirt. Damn. His abs rippled while he spoke making me warm all over. All I wanted to do was run my hands down them.

“Lets just jump. Get it over with.” Man I was nervous. It was just so far down and what if I got too close to the gates? What if the water was too shallow and I hurt myself when I jumped?

Luke reached for my hand leading me across the bridge. “Okay do you want to go together or do you want me to go so you know its deep enough?”
