Page 33 of Falls County

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Rapping on her door I waited. The lights were off so she was probably sleeping. I was drunk, but we had shit to talk about. I banged my fist on the door harder. Opening the door, she rubbed at her eyes.

“Luke? What time…” Her voice was gravely.

“Listen Kaci I didn’t ask for you to come back!”

Cocking her head to the side. “I know. Come in.” She opened the door wider.

“No! I don’t want you back here!” I started to walk away.

“Luke! Can we just talk?”

“No Kaci! You fucking left me! Then you come back here and show up at the bar and don’t fucking talk to me for weeks!” I took her in. She was breathtaking even in her oversized t-shirt that was mine.

“Luke please.” She begged.

“No I don’t want to talk! I’m fucking fine without you! I’ve been fine! Fuck look at me? I’m fucking great!”

“Luke you’re drunk. We can talk later.” Kaci went to shut the door, I held my hand out stopping her.

“Don’t you get it? You left me! You. Left. Me. So now you don’t get to decide anymore.” I was ragging mad.

“I know.”

“You know? You know! You know how I’ve felt every God damn day for the past fourteen months? You know how much I’ve missed you? No! You have no fucking idea Kaci!” Turning my back to her I stumbled down the sidewalk to my pickup. My heart hammered in my chest.


Yanking my door open I called back to her. “What? What could you possibly want?”

“You.” She shut the door going back inside.

I slammed my fists against the steering wheel. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Peeling out of her driveway I headed home. I was shaking pissed. That stupid song had to be playing at the bar making her cross my mind. Which lead me to go wake her up at midnight to tell her pretty much to fuck off. What the fuck is wrong with me? Kaci, that’s what’s wrong with me.

Getting out of my pickup I walked in the house. Bentley jumped up greeting me. Scratching behind his ears I headed into the kitchen to get him a treat. Warming up some leftovers I sat at the kitchen table and looked around at the empty house. My heart pumped so fast I could feel it in my ears.

Once I was done eating I got my shit ready for tomorrow. Coffee and lunch. The only things I needed. Making my way to the bathroom I stripped off my clothes before turning on the shower. I let the steam fill the bathroom before stepping under the spray. The water pelted my back releasing some of the tension in my shoulders.

Rolling my neck side to side images of Kaci reeled in my mind. Images of her in my damn t-shirt disheveled from sleep. I pounded the shower wall. Fuck! I was mad at her but also so turned on by her. She was fucking beautiful. I knew she didn’t have anything on expect that shirt. My shirt. And she said she wants me. Me. Fuck if I didn’t want her too.

My dick was like stone at the thought of running my hands over her velvet skin again. Seeing her naked splayed out in front of me. Watching her sink down on top of me. Making her scream my name.

Fisting my cock, I hissed. It had been a long time. Even longer since I slid in between her slickness. I could almost feel her weight on top of me as I closed my eyes and pumped harder. I could see her breasts bouncing as she road me. The moans that escaped her lips when I pressed into her, filling her. She would cry out my name as a plea asking to go faster. I did just that.

My hand braced against the shower wall as I pumped my dick faster. Just how Kaci would do it when her lips popped off. She would lick them while rubbing my cock before sucking again.

“Fuck!” I called out.

My release was almost there. I could feel my spine tingling, my balls growing tight. Pumping even harder I watched as my dick emptied onto the shower wall. Breathless I hung my head. The things that woman could do to me without even being here.

The next morning, I felt like shit. I had already puked once before heading to the shop and twice on the way there. It was going to be a great fucking day. I also kind of felt bad for the shit I said to Kaci last night. Okay I didn’t just kind of feel bad I felt horrible. I’ve never talked to her like that. I’ve never been this mad at her before. Then she sent that text message and rage just raced through me.

On my way to the field I stared at that message. Drake deleted our message thread when she first left to keep me from constantly going through them so this was new. Seeing her name in my messages again with a picture of her beside it. It was a new kind of torture. Of course I didn’t respond last night because I was mad and I went to her house.

Reaching in my pocket for my phone I texted her back.

Sorry about last night
