Page 31 of Master Baldor

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I had to really think about my work and social media in general. This new stalker problem was changing how I looked at things, and I still had to tell him that I’d been getting text messages from my stalker-ex.

“Uh, can I ask you about safety regarding my online presence?”

Noah nodded.

“I’m not techy, which is kinda funny considering what I do, and other gamers are definitely more tech-savvy than me. So, the stalker situation could be from me not having strong enough protection web-wise. Do you think your security friend might help me out? I guess, could you help me do what I do better? I don’t want anyone to find me again.”

Noah looked thoughtful. “Do you see how we have come full circle, GG?”

I was confused and shook my head in response.

“My first job as a Daddy and a Dom is your protection, even if it is from yourself. So, in answer to your question, yes. By fulfilling your request, you are allowing me to fulfill my role, and in this, you and I have created a symbiotic agreement, which is the best kind in my opinion.”

I absorbed that and rolled it around. I felt confused but was happy to have our needs mesh.

“Daddy, I have something else to share. The stalker, Rog Rouge, has been messaging me.”

Noah’s eyes shifted from indulgent Daddy to upset Dom so fast my emotions had whiplash.

“Give me your phone, now,” he almost barked, and I scurried back to the game room, returning to place it in his outstretched hand.

“Good girl,” he praised. He shifted quickly between emotions, and I wondered if me being here was challenging him in a way he hadn’t been before. When he praised me, I wanted to curl up in his lap and purr.

“We will deal with this and branding security issues for Shelven when Gabriel arrives. In the meantime, I’ve taken out your sim card and will put in a bag in the freezer until Gabriel can dispose of it properly. Let’s shelve the rest of this talk until later. I think we need some lunch and cuddle time. Would you like to watch a movie with me?”

My heart leaped. “Yasss! Can I get a whoop whoop?” I leaped off his lap and did a little dance. Noah chuckled at my enthusiastic display.

“You go shower, little girl, and Daddy will make lunch. Do you remember where the TV room is?”

“Yes.” I was positively vibrating with how happy this change of direction made me and I almost felt childish. Maybe I had more Little in me than I realized.

“You have half an hour to shower and change and meet me in the movie room.”

“Yes, Daddy.” I raced for the bathroom.

The water calmed me down a bit, and I had the chance to replay what had happened earlier. Our discussion wasn’t over. It couldn’t be as we still hadn’t discussed my calling my safeword, and I knew that was a serious thing. When we went over the list, I would add anything else I could think of regarding work. But I felt confident that my two biggest issues were keeping Shelby’s anonymity and allowing me to continue to choose my games and build my career.

He had gifted me this change in his routine. He didn’t say it, but I knew having lunch and watching a movie were not part of Noah’s MO. He worked more than I did. I turned off the taps and wiped the mirror with my hand, not caring that it would leave a big smudge. It was naughty, but my emotions were all over the page, and I felt like leaving my handprints on the mirror. Then I wrote, Shelby has been here, adding the date.Satisfied with my mirror art, I went in search of the perfect outfit.

I hadn’t noticed at the store that Noah had added a pair of vintage ladybug lounger pants to the items he’d purchased. I threw them on with a pink tee and made my way to the movie room.

I entered from one end just as Noah entered from the other. “Hi, Daddy.” He held a tray laden with sandwiches, a bowl of chips, and a few bottles of water.

He grinned over the mountain of food. “I see you found the loungers I added to the stack. They are adorable on you, Shelby.”

I blushed under his appraising gaze. “Can I help, Sir?”

“No, darlin’, just get that sexy ass on the couch and I’ll do the rest.”

I flung myself into the pile of soft cushions and drew my feet up so I could sit criss-cross-applesauce style.

Whoa, where had that come from?

Noah placed the tray on the ottoman and grabbed the soft fleece blanket and draped it across my lap. Next, he placed a plate on my lap and offered me a platter holding a selection of sandwiches. I grabbed two grilled-cheese halves, and a peanut butter and jelly.

He handed me a bottle of water and placed a bowl of popcorn between us. I was so happy, indescribably so. Noah sat beside me, remote in hand.

“You’ll like this, GG.” He pressed a button and the lights dimmed to almost nothing while the screen lit up.
