Page 38 of Master Baldor

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“I’m going to grab a drink from the bar, what would you like?”

“What can I have?” I maneuvered my character to take down the front row of invading aliens.


“Daiquiri, strawberry, please.”

Baldor was back with our drinks and was setting them down on the coffee table when the twins entered. I’d seen them before, although they weren’t really twins, but real-life best friends. They were like professional Littles, always on the lookout for a rich sugar daddy to play with.

Watching from the corner of my eye, I saw them speak with my Daddy who, while genuinely polite to them both, also seemed far too interested in them for my liking. I swore under my breath when the alien killed me. Damn, those women were an enormous distraction.

I turned the volume down so I could overhear but didn’t stop playing. Fine, if he was so bored with my habits, then he could watch. Except he wasn’t watching. He was listening intently to the little china dolls who were even shorter than me. They were little Littles. I giggled to myself at the description and tried to focus on my game, but my gaze continued to stray to the trio.

The girls had split now and were cozening in on either side of Baldor. Trying to get their hooks in him, I just knew it!

“What are your plans tonight, Master Baldor? We have a room booked; you should join us.” The way the two rubbed up against him reminded me of those Siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp. They were up to no good. They wanted my Daddy. And if I was being honest, they were probably a better fit for him, but I wouldn’t allow them to have him. It was my turn.

I threw my remote down on the couch and stomped over in my Mary Janes. “Get. Out.” The twins acted like they were just seeing me for the first time, and I glared at them. I knew Noah was sending me a warning glare, but I was too mad to care.

“I said get out,” I screamed in their faces and with no rescue coming from Baldor, they scurried out the door like a couple of scared mice. Adrenaline was pumping through me, and I felt out of control.

“Are you done being a brat, Shelby?”

“Brat! Brat! Why you—you. Argh,” I yelled out in exasperation.

“I see you are escalating. It is time to go home and get you back where you need to be.”

His words sounded completely degrading, even though the part of my brain still capable of rational thought knew they weren’t. Baldor gripped my arm. Time to leave.

“So now I can’t have my feelings hurt? My reactions are questionable, but you can flirt with those, those, succubi? Fine!” I yelled and shook out of his grip and tried to stomp away, but he grasped my shoulders, holding me in place.

“I understand you are upset, but you’re completely out of control. You are a sub, Shelby, first and foremost, and your outburst is completely inappropriate. I suggest you calm down.”

“Calm down? You fucking calm down!”

Baldor pulled back as if struck. I shook easily out of his grasp and stomped through the club to the entrance and retrieved my bag. I was on the sidewalk by the time Noah caught up with me.

“You, little girl, are in a heap of trouble,” he said as he steered me toward his car. I didn’t say a word, just crossed my arms and let him lead me to his car.

As soon as the seat belt was done up and he was buckled in. I threw out one more vicious thrust. “I hate you, Daddy!”

“That may be, Shelby, but right now, you will remain silent, or your punishment will double.”

And for the short ride home, I managed to rein in my temper and hold my tongue.

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