Page 39 of Master Baldor

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Chapter 14


I was angry with her behavior, but more than that, I was disappointed with myself. Her acting out was way over the top for a Little of any age wanting attention. I couldn’t help but chastise myself for my lack of direction. I had been keeping an eye on Shelby, but not stepping in unless absolutely necessary. After she called her safeword a week ago, I’d been more aloof in my directions regarding her temperament. I wasn’t stupid, the twins set her off and what I was seeing was the ugly jealousy monster rear its ugly head.

In another circumstance, it may have been cute, endearing even, like a stomp of a foot while trying to make a point. But this was significantly more than that. She didn’t trust me to handle the situation, and she was directly threatening and disobedient. It had been a test. I could have sent the twins away immediately, but I was curious to see her developed personality show itself. Wow, had I ever miscalculated.

Images from only a few hours previously of her dancing around in her leather outfit, like a rock goddess, haunted me. I had given her a few swats for destroying the sanctity of my fridge, but I hadn’t reprimanded her for the mess she made in her room, or for taking the beer and junk food without asking permission.

I realized now that I was allowing her brat behavior because I felt unsure if I could Daddy her in the way she needed it. After she was put to bed, I would call a friend from the Dd/lg group I was a part of. Ross would hopefully give me some advice as he was with a Middle and had been successful with the same one going on five years. Tessa, his Middle, had more of a flower child vibe from the sixties than a wild 80s girl, but one thing they both had in common was they were free-spirited, and I was sure Ross would have some advice for me.

I glanced at Shelby. Her posture was so rigid, arms crossed, staring out the front window. Her face wore a pinched expression, with frown marks between her brows. One foot-tapping fast, she was like a bomb waiting to go off. I had done nothing to ignite her ire, maintaining a polite disposition with the twins without encouraging their attention. Shelby was in the wrong about that, but I was guilty of being far too indulgent. But that was about to change. Shelby would finally know what it was to have her first proper punishment.

I pulled into the underground and parked, exiting the vehicle to come and open the door for Shelby, which was my custom and something she had agreed to let me do. Before I got there, however, she was exiting and slamming the door of my AC 427 Cobra. She was lucky I was a patient man, but the strokes were adding up. Somewhere, I recognized that she was doing all of this on purpose to show me her displeasure. I felt an impulse to wring her neck and had to resist reaching out and gripping her ponytail and bringing her to a standstill.

She glared at the elevator floor all the way to the penthouse while I reined in my temper. When the door slid open, I finally spoke, issuing curt demands. “Shelby, you will go to your room and undress. Then meet me in my office. You have five minutes. I suggest you move, quickly!”

She dared a smirk before striding down the hallway as fast as someone of her stature would allow. I made my way to the bar and poured myself three fingers of Lagavulin, a scotch favored by me and my brothers. I kept plenty on hand, but rarely did I drink it at home without company over.

I removed my jacket and drank down the contents of my crystal tumbler in one swig. When setting up my home and after much deliberation, I’d felt that my office was the best place to serve up punishments to naughty girls. Their room should be an oasis and never be associated with punishment. My bedroom was where we had sex and sexual or playful spankings, making the office the best place to deliver chastisements for serious consequences.

The office housed many of my implements for role play that I stored in a special cabinet I’d built. I unlocked the cabinet and glanced over my array of punishment implements, many of which were paddles and canes for naughty little schoolgirls, but I even had rulers of varying sizes and thicknesses.

I chose a quarter-inch thick cherry-wood paddle for my first implement. Cherry wood was dense and not pliable, a very unforgiving wood that would get the spankee’s attention. I had never used it before as a ping-pong paddle made of pine had sufficed to bring an errant Little back in line. Much of my experience had been with play partners, so unless we had acted out a punishment scene, hand spanking had been enough.

Shelby was far past that, and this was no scene or game. In fact, this felt more real than anything had since college. The wood would pack a wallop and I needed something to sink home with that feeling. Based on that, my next selection was a strop. The one that I chose had a three-inch width. I figured with Shelby’s fleshy ass, laying down layers from her ass crack to her thighs would take four strokes. I could go back up and cover the same area with four more. That decided the last item, a cane.

In the past, I used canes lightly for pretend naughty school role plays. Again, this situation was very different, and I anticipated Shelby would be a very repentant brat by the time I was done. I chose a reed cane which is like ratan but packed more sting because of its narrower diameter. I knew from multiple demonstrations at the clubs that the reed cane left the prettiest stripes.

I laid out the three implements on the end of my desk just as Shelby walked into my office. Perhaps coming to me in my workspace and being naked had finally woken her up to the reality of what was to come because she entered with her head bent in supplication and her hands clasped tightly together in front of her.

I had one corner of my office completely void of anything where a naughty girl could stand and place her nose in the corner where her punishment would begin.

“Shelby, go to the right-hand corner and stand with your legs parted and hands clasped behind your back. I want your nose touching the wall, is that understood?”


“Yes, what, young lady?” She was really pushing her luck and mentally I added five strokes for her lack of proper protocol in addressing me.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl, now to the corner, please.”

She did as she was told, her eyes widening as she passed my desk and saw the implements I’d laid out. Good, she should be worried about her behind. However, the purpose was not to punish for the sake of punishment, although I would have been in the right to do so. This was about getting her into the proper headspace and sharing what was really going on with her. I’d let it slide all week because her behavior had been stellar, and she was working hard, but now it was time for her to take responsibility and provide the rationale for a conversation regarding her unacceptable behavior to take place.

After ten minutes, I called her over. Sitting in my chair, I pulled her between my legs and gently gripped her chin, drawing her gaze to me. “Shelby, why are we here?”

“Because you’re in charge,” she answered sullenly.

“Shelby, I’m not entirely sure what is going on with you, but I promise before we leave this room, I will get to the bottom of it. Now speaking of bottoms, yours, little miss, I want in the air. Please, bend over my desk and grip the other side.”

Shelby rose to the balls of her feet in order to reach the other side. Once she was in place, I asked her one more time. “Why we were here?”

“Because I embarrassed you at the club,” she answered.

“No, Shelby, you could never embarrass me. It was because you acted completely inappropriately. You will receive twenty with the paddle, eight with the strop, and five with the cane. If you let go of the desk at any point, we will begin the count over from the beginning with whatever implement we are using.”

I picked up the four-inch diameter cherry-wood paddle and brought it down on her right ass cheek. If she thought she was getting a warm-up, she was sorely mistaken. The paddle cracked against her backside and Shelby, to her credit let out only a whoomph of air.
