Page 42 of Julian

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“She was whisked away by some people in a black SUV.”

“Do you have eyes on her?”

“No Boss, it was like she disappeared.”

Shit. Shit. Shit! I had told her about Rylie’s location.

I called the doctor.

“Are you still at the safe house?”

“We were just packing everything up to leave. I’ll leave a nurse here to keep an eye on Gia, but I don’t foresee any problems.”

“I don’t have time for questions. I need you to take her to the basement right now. Don’t trust anyone.”

“What’s going on Julian?”

“No time, just do it.”

The line went dead.

I should have taken the helicopter from the safe house to Marissa’s. All I had was this car and it was not going fast enough. The scenery whizzed by as did my thoughts. The past five years were shrouded in lies. The taunts of my masters at Boy’s Ville and the camp teased me. No matter how fast I drove, I could not outrun their voices in my head telling me I was worthless. That no one would love such a broken person and it did not matter if I ended my life because neither heaven nor hell would take me. I would be stuck on earth forever.

I slammed my hand against the steering wheel and cursed.

My entire world was a lie. These people were supposed to be my friends.

I entrusted my company to them. I trusted Orson with Gia.

Didn’t Boy’s Ville teach me anything? Now I had to use my specialized training from the camp to get back the one thing that mattered most, my wife.

Fletcher tried to teach me to see the good in others. He tried to show me that I could be skeptical, but also see the positive. I got so used to see the good that I forgot to see the evil. Now, here I was working to find my footing again.

As I got closer to the safe house, I saw the smoke rising above the trees. The closer I got to the house, the more it reminded me of a war scene. I jumped out of the car and raced into the burning house.

“Gia!” I shouted as I kicked the door open.

The hot air hit me, and I managed to choke out another, “Gia!”

I pushed through the debris towards the basement door.

Suddenly I heard sounds from outside followed by gun fire.
