Page 5 of Loving Grant

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Hello, Grant!

No drooly dog kisses from his perfect lips. His kisses are divine. I would happily go back for seconds or thirds. If I wouldn’t have made that silly remark about not falling into bed with him, I’d be tempted to invite him into mine tonight.

Who am I kidding?

Bad quip or not, I want to feel his lips all over my body. My nipples are tight, sensitive peaks rubbing maddeningly against my bra. The thought of his lips and tongue caressing them has me squirming in the hard red plastic seat at DQ.

My gaze drifts from his face and I catch sight of his arm, elbow-deep in his discarded ice cream cone. Unable to prevent it, a rush of laughter pours out of me.

And his dear, sweet face!

He truly is the cutest.

“Grant, your arm… your cone,” I gasp out, my words barely coherent. I settle for pointing and that gets my message across.

Poor guy goes bright red, even the tips of his ears are pink. That’s it. I think I’m in love and I don’t even know his last name.

Quickly, I pull dozens of flimsy paper napkins out of the metal dispenser on the table and help him mop the soft serve mess off his arm and table. A shy little grin flirts around his lips, and he keeps stealing glances at me. He seems just as overwhelmed by our impromptu kisses as I am.

“What’s your last name?” I ask, balling up the used napkins.

Grant pauses in blotting the last bit of ice cream off his elbow. “Jones.”

“Grant Jones, nice. And Brittany Jones has a good ring to it. She’s an amazing figure skater. I’m a big fan.”

Poor Grant stares, puzzlement clear on his face.

I give an innocent shrug. “Have to make sure our names go together, or I simply can’t continue this pre-date.”

Understanding dawns, relaxing his features, and to my relief, Grant laughs. I’m only half-joking, so I’m glad for both the compatibility of our names and the fact that he has a sense of humor.

Sure, I want to jump his bones, but I think a relationship between us has a real chance. He’s seen me- maybe not at my lowest- but getting dumped ranks pretty far down there- and still asked me out. And then we factor in the crazy attraction and yeah, I want to get to know this man better.

“Well, Mr. Grant Jones, I now know you’re an amazing kisser, and ice cream on your elbow doesn’t faze you.” I take in his grin and wonder how in the world I didn’t notice him when I groomed Tory before. Maybe with him being older I didn’t dare think anything could come from falling for a client. “What else do I need to know about you, besides everything?”

His laughter is deep, sending curls of need from my still hard nipples down to my pussy, which I’m achingly aware of and the damp state of my panties.

“I like the idea of us getting to know each other better. After that last name crack, I’m hoping this isn’t too over the top to admit. Brittany, I’ve been attracted to you since the moment you exited your mobile groomer. Sitting here with you is nice and everything I hoped for.”

Out of anyone else, I would be worried or thinking he was feeding me a line. With Grant? Its sincere and so unbelievably sweet.

“You hoped for a frozen elbow?” I can’t help it. I like to joke a lot. Probably the real reason things with old what’s his name didn’t work out. He had no sense of humor. Unless you count his horrible taste in ties. The joke was more on him than him playing one though.

To my relief, Grant’s grin widens, and he chuckles while shaking his head, that lock of hair falling over his brow again. “To be honest, that should have bothered me. Or at least concerned me about how my date would take in the fact that I have klutzy moments.”

“You’re not concerned that I’m secretly branding you a mess in my head.”

“Nope,” he says, popping the p and teasing a delighted grin out of me. I do the same thing around people I’m comfortable with. How did I ever label him the guy next door or average? He’s anything but.

We sit grinning at each other like two fools for several long beats, and I’m tempted to reach across the table for him again.

The silence must get to be too much for Grant, who blurts out, “Tell me more about you.”

“Oh, no.” I shake my head. “I asked about you first and you haven’t given me anything other than your last name.”
