Page 6 of Loving Grant

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“So soon you forget about that ice cream cone,” he says.

Yep, it’s official. Grant has a sense of humor and I love it. “I’ll never forget about getting ice cream. Let’s just hope it comes out of your shirt.”

His broad shoulders roll in a smooth shrug. “If it doesn’t, no biggie. So more about me? I’m thirty-six, obviously single. I’m a chemical engineer and work in polymers, mostly films for pharmaceutical companies. Pretty dull stuff to others.”

“Do you enjoy your work?” I ask while mentally doing the math. He’s fourteen years older than me. Surely that’s not that big of a deal.

Grant’s grin widens, his brown eyes twinkling with good humor. “I do.”

I finish mopping up all the ice cream off the table and toss the last soiled napkin on top of the mini mountain of them. “Well, who cares if others find it boring? They’re not the ones doing it.”

He lets out a brief bark of laughter. “True.”

Pretending to think for a moment, I lean forward and ask, “Pharmaceuticals, you say? Natural or synthetic polymers?”

“A bit of both, mostly synthetic. I’ve dabbled with smart polymers, but that’s not where my work led me.” His eyelids lower slightly over his warm eyes. “I never thought I would discuss biochemistry with a date.”

“Pre-date,” I remind him, then tell him my secret. “I read about this in a medical magazine at the Dr’s office recently. It was fascinating. And besides, isn’t good chemistry the cornerstone of an excellent date?”

“It is,” he breathes, reaching for my hand and causing goosebumps to irrupt on my arm. “Brittany, please tell me I can see you again.”

“If you don’t, I’m going to be disappointed.” I give his hand a squeeze, feeling the quiet strength in his grip and the array of calluses that show he’s a man that works with his hands.

At this point I realize I wouldn’t care if he was twenty years older than me. I want Grant.
