Page 7 of Loving Grant

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We share one last kiss when Brittany drops me off at my car and even more importantly, we exchange numbers. Yes, I have her business number, but that’s business. I want this to be a very personal relationship on all levels.

Trying hard not to be overeager and scare her off, I don’t call her immediately when I get home. Though I do sweat over it. I haven’t dated much lately and end up asking for advice from a coworker that despite his official nerd status doesn’t seems to lack dates or girlfriends.

“Never call the next day, and I mean never.” Matt uncrosses his arms, pushes up his black-framed glasses, and scowls. “Why aren’t you writing this down? I’m giving you golden dating advice here, bro.”

Humoring him, I pull my phone out and set it to record. “Happy?” I ask, waving it at him.

“When you’re juggling three or more girls, then I’ll give myself a well-deserved pat on the back. Or you can buy me lunch.”

I shake my head. “Nope, not interested in volume. I only want this girl.”

Matt doesn’t laugh, which surprises me; he even claps me on the back. “Found the mythical one, huh? Good for you. Now leave it to me so you don’t blow it.”

I’m regretting bringing this up with him and hover my finger over the recording button to turn it off. His next words have the finger dropping away.

“They used to talk about the three-day rule. That if you didn’t want to seem desperate, you waited three days, or five if you’re extremely cocky and know you have this girl hooked.” Matt swings his hands out. “That’s wrong. Two days is the magic number. Not long enough that she gets upset and thinks you’re not going to call and not too soon where she doesn’t have any time to think about you and sweat it out.”

It makes sense. “What if she calls me first?”

Matt’s loud laughter draws the attention of several of our coworkers, whose heads swerve in our direction. When Matt finally calms himself down, he wipes a bit of moisture from under his eyes. “Whoa, that’s a good one buddy. Girls never call first. I think that’s one of the first rules in their dating handbook. Nope, this all falls on our shoulders.”

His hand lands on my shoulder, giving it a paternal squeeze that I shrug off. “This is the most important part and why us guys must scramble not to fuck up. Girls can have any guy. If not you, then someone else. If they like you, then they’ll wait for that call. Otherwise, they’re out there attracting other guys like bees to flowers. So, you blow it and boom! You’re dead to her. She doesn’t need you. There are ten more lined up eager for their chance.”

He's right! I look at Matt with newfound respect.

Look at the situation with Brittany. Her date walks out on her and I swooped right in. And if I hadn’t, who knows if that server wouldn’t have made his move. I saw how his beady little eyes were crawling all over her. This is my chance with the woman of my dreams. There is no way I’m going to blow it.

“Thanks, Matt. Lunch on me, anytime.”

“Tomorrow is day two?” he asks. At my nod, his grin grows. “Let’s plan on lunch Friday. You can give me all the details.”

“You got it, man.” I walk back to my office with a spring to my step. As far as coworkers go, I’m going to miss him if I get that job out in St. Louis.

That thought pulls me up short. I will miss more than just him. When I applied for it, it was career making opportunity- it still is- and nothing was holding me here. Sure, I wanted to give dating a shot, hence why I joined the dating site.

Brittany? She’s more than someone I want to date. I can see building a life with her.

Stubbornly, I push all thoughts of potential complications out of my head. I haven’t gotten the job and Brittany and I haven’t even gone on an official date yet. No need to worry about either of those until something concrete is in place. Several weeks ago, when I flew out for the second interview with Griffin Plastics, it had been the most important thing in my life.


It comes a far second to Brittany.


Matt gives me double thumbs up when we part ways in the parking garage the next evening. All day my thoughts were consumed with working up conversation starters in my head.

I have a sour sensation in the pit of my stomach when it’s finally time to call her. I lock Tory in the backyard so he can’t distract me, sit in the middle of my couch, and then close my eyes and hit call.

“Hi, Grant!”

Brittany’s cheerful greeting immediately calms me down and I unclench my squinted eyelids and mouth. “Brittany, hi. How are you doing?”

“Doing great. I was just thinking about you.”
