Page 150 of The Long Way Home

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Try to tell her without telling her that she could come in if she wants to. Stay in there extra long so she can realise she should.

She doesn’t.

Parks is sitting on her side of the bed when I come out in the matching robe.

Sit down next to her. She’s as far away from the middle as humanly possible without risking a tumble off the bed.

She’s laid out all the minibar snacks onto the bed. Already cracked into the vodka too. Offers me some. Smirnoff. Rough stuff, but I swig it anyway. I need it for what I want to happen.

I stare over at her… Makes me uneasy how quiet she’s been.

“You angry at me?” I ask.

She glances over, shakes her head.

I eye her suspiciously. “You’re never this quiet.”

She breathes out delicately. “What would you like to know?”

“Why’d you and Jack-Jack can it?” I ask without missing a beat.

The question’s pre-loaded. I’ve wondered since she avoided answering it the first time.

She sniffs, amused, folds her arms over her chest.

“He told me he loved me.”

I pull back a bit. Not what I was expecting. “Oh—” I shake my head. “I mean, so?”

“So—” She shrugs demurely and gives me a controlled look. “I’m not in business of loving people anymore.”

I give her a long look.



Nod once. “Because of me?”

She nods back. “Because of you.”

My heart sinks like a stone for a second and then I’m angry. Shake my head at her as I stand up.

“You know what? That’s fucking bullshit, Parks.” I point at her. “You fucked me up too. And I’m in a functioning relationship—”

“—Are you?” She stands, mirroring me. “Is that why you’re alone in a hotel room with your ex-girlfriend?”

“No, Parks. I’m alone in a hotel room with my ex-girlfriend because we got a busted tyre and I drew the short straw.”

I give her a look just to win extra, and her heart sinks in her eyes a little.

“Am I… the short straw?” She blinks, staring at me a bit like I’m a stranger. She breathes in and out a few times, looks crushed. Fuck.

“Being in a room with me is the short straw?”

I breathe out, tilt my head apologetically. That probably sounded more brutal than I meant it to, never mind the fact that it’s complete bullshit.

But she can’t know that.
