Page 151 of The Long Way Home

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I don’t say anything. Don’t correct her, don’t dispel the lie I’m peddling.

“Well,” she huffs, grabbing the pillows from her side of the bed, “I wouldn’t want you having to share a bed with the short straw.”

I roll my eyes at her. “There are no other rooms. Where are you going to go?”

Indignant, she wanders into the bathroom, slams the door shut.

I hang my head in my hands and then I pull my phone out to text Jordan because I should. Need to tell her I’m not coming home. Need to not tell her I’m in a room with Parks.



Hey - we got a flat. Won’t be home til tomorrow afternoon. Sorry x

Oh shit! Everyone alright?

Yeah, all good. Just annoyed.

Where are you staying?

A hotel Jo found. Nice enough.


miss you.

Same. Night.



I’m lying to everyone these days.

I glance at the bathroom door — it’s been about twenty minutes — I’m a bit impressed by her commitment to pretending she’s actually going to sleep in there. But her in there and me out here isn’t how I want this night to go, so I text her too.



How’s the weather in there?

Fuck off.

Right so.

Pretty icy then?

Fuck me.

I’m so good at blowing it with her these days.

I used to know what I was doing with her, but now I’m dead in the water.

I shove my hands through my hair, work out what to do next.

Feel like touching her or fighting with her, something that lets me be close to her — because that’s what I actually want.
