Page 167 of The Long Way Home

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“Home!” I tell him as I take a staggered breath. “I went home!”

“Yeah?” He nods, eyes like slits now. “To who?”

“What?” I shake my head at him, confused.

“You give Rush a call?”

I scowl at him. “He’s in New York.”


“San Fran.” I give him a dark look as I cross my arms over my chest. “See, unlike some people, when things go astray for me I don’t just fuck the first person I see.”

“No, I know—” He nods, glaring over at me. “You fuck their best friends.”

“Oi—” Henry growls.

BJ whacks Jonah in the chest. “Better watch it, bro — she’ll be coming for you next.”

My eyes go glassy and I feel about three feet tall. It’s never nice to hear what anyone thinks of you if the opinion is unsavoury, but when that opinion comes from the person you love most in the world, it pierces right through to the centre of you. Poisons you a bit, makes you believe the words they’re saying are true.

Words are so powerful.

I had no intention of running to anyone else. My plan for tonight was him. Yesterday after our fight I went home, had a shower and made Henry and my sister stay in my bed with me.

I didn’t text Rush. I didn’t call Jack-Jack.

I didn’t want to do anything to ruin us right as we were about to start again.

But he did, so fuck it.

It rolls in over me like a cloud.

My eyes go dark and if there were curtains, they’d be flapping. The water would be choppy and the animals would start behaving all peculiar, frantically searching for cover. Good. They should.

BJ frowns, sensing the shift in the air.

Batten down the hatches, ring the town bell.

He swallows. “What’s that face?”

I shake my head at him as I push past him to leave.

“Where are you going?” he calls after me.

I’m going to Central Park at midnight.

+44 7895 661274




Are you out tonight?


Club Haus.

Stay there.



You made me a promise once.
