Page 299 of The Long Way Home

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I snatch my hand back from him.

My neck feels hot and my chest goes tight.

“I beg your pardon?”

He rolls his eyes and holds his hand out, waiting for me. “Give me your hand.”

I feel a bit nauseous. I might start crying. Not in front of him, I need to keep it together in front of him.

“No.” I shake my head.

He reaches over further across the table. “Give me your fucking hand—”

“No.” I move away from him.

He breaths out loudly through his nose, glares over at me a little.

“Me and Jordan called it back in March.”

I stare at him confused. “What?”

“We broke up weeks ago—” He shrugs and then he tilts his head, conceding. “But, I mean, probably we were actually over the second I saw you at the wedding.”

I frown at him. “Then what now?”

“I want to be friends,” he tells me again.

I shake my head at him. “I don’t want to be your friend.”

He sniffs a laugh. “I don’t want to be your friend either, but this—” He waves between us. “—is it now.”

My face goes blank for a second before it flickers to a frown.


“I love you, Parks—” BJ rolls his eyes. “I’ve been in love with you since I was six and you told me you could kick a ball better than me, and listen, after being together in some way or another for nearly two decades now, I’ve got to tell you, Magnolia, it’s not true.” He shakes his head. “Your hand-eye coordination fucking sucks.”

I frown over at him, offended and a bit in awe.

“You can’t kick a ball for shit. But I love you,” he tells me. “I’m in love with you, have never stopped, will always til I die, love you. And this is it—” He shrugs like it’s simple. “So we’re not going to fuck it up by rushing it. Can I have your hand back now, please?”

He takes it anyway, plays with my ring finger.

My cheeks are pink and all my self-control is being channeled into not ripping those Theory tapered reversible cotton-blend jersey and fleece sweatpants off of him.

“We don’t have to rush it,” I tell him, batting my eyes a lot because I really want to rush it.

“Parks.” He gives me a look. “If we don’t consciously not rush it, I’ll have you pregnant again in a couple of hours…”

I sigh. Would that be so bad?

I give him a dubious look.

“We’ve never been friends.”

He cocks an eyebrow. “We’ve also only ever been together or tried to kill each other.”

“Can’t we just be together?” I shrug helplessly and he shakes his head.
