Page 23 of Her Arrival

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Chapter 11- Alana

I guess it wasn’t enough that I’ve lost Wesley. Or did I really lose him? It doesn’t matter, it was only a matter of time before he kicked me to the curb to follow after the pack leaders. He’s too strong, too witty, and too brave to be weighed down by an outcast.

However, anger pulses through me. Why can’t I have anything? Why am I less deserving of a mate, no matter what his status is in the pack?

That’s why I promptly lose my shit when Amina falls into a squat beside me. I keep my eyes trained on the flames of the bonfire as they lick the wood. No, not today.

I don’t know if she’s smiling or not, but I can hear it in her voice.

“I knew he’d get sick of you.”

My stomach turns because I know that I’m inviting an ass kicking, or maybe something worse, into my life because I hop to my feet. My heart pulses underneath my skin, and the heat that spreads throughout my body is something that I’ve never felt before.

It’s righteousness. It’s a righteous anger because whatever happens now is more than deserved.

Without thinking, I transform. My skinny limbs turn into thick tree trunks of legs, and my fangs manifest as my face elongates. This will end now.

Amina stares at me with wide eyes, the ghost of a tremble makes its way down her body. Not one to be outdone, she transforms, and soon we’re circling each other.

I know that I have a chance to call this all off, to run away with my tail between my legs and take my ass kicking, but I’m tired of having my ass kicked.

I’m the first to lunge. I go for an illegal grab, my teeth instantly sinking into her thicker, larger neck.

She growls underneath me, sending a tremor through my body.

You can still stop.

I don’t stop. I press my fangs deeper into her neck, further than they should and something like the way that Wesley did when we met that wolf in the woods. What do I have to lose now?

As Amina frees herself from my grasp, I jump around her. Her howl echoes throughout the camp as she charges me. My own howl or scream, I’m not sure which, rips through the air as we all catch the smell of my burning fur.

I jerk, throwing my paws in the air, hoping to stop the spread of the flames. Amina’s eyes watch as I fall chest first into the flames.

I can hear Harrison’s voice.

It bellows throughout the camp, and I feel feet pounding beside me as the bonfire is put out.

“That’s enough!”

Amina whines and lowers herself to the ground. I’m thrown to the ground as I transform, and I wheeze as the burn settles into the middle of my chest. My burnt skin is exposed, and I can faintly see the sky above me.

I hear the panicked thud of footsteps and Wesley and Jenna are standing above me.

I don’t hear much else as darkness and smoke cloud my vision.
