Page 24 of Her Arrival

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Chapter 12- Wesley

I slip my arms underneath Alana’s body. She’s twitching in my arms; the singed fabric of her shirt is scratchy against my skin.

“Alana! Can you hear me?”

I tap my palm against her cheek, and she groans as her eyelids flutter. “Wesley?”

Her eyelids close and I turn to Harrison and growl, “What do we do?”

Harrison holds his hands out in front of him what I suppose is supposed to be a gesture that means “I’ve got this under control”. “We have healers. It will only take her a couple of days to heal since we got to her so soon.”

Amina is silent as I carry Alana to her cabin. The wooden door cracks underneath my foot as I kick it open. My feet can’t move fast enough as I set her on her bed.

Only seconds go by as what I assume to be the healers rush into the cabin. An older woman is carrying salves and bandages. Brittney is ushered out of the cabin and led to a spare one. I feel a small bit of pity for her because of all of the chaos, but I can’t worry about her. Not when Alana is on the line, right in front of me.

Niles and Jenna linger by the door to Alana’s bedroom.

Niles waves at me. “She’ll be fine, Wes. Alana is tougher than she looks, I’ve been watching her get her ass kicked in this pack for years.”

My teeth grind together as I snap. “Yeah, watching is all you guys seem to do. Amina nearly killed her!”

Jenna raises a hand in the air. “Let’s step outside to talk about this. You need to calm down.”

I brush my shoulder against hers as we step out of Alana’s bedroom. When we’re outside of the cabin, I find myself almost running towards Jenna, my fingers curled into fists.

“Don’t tell me to fucking calm down. Amina should be expelled from the pack.”

Niles wears a grim expression. “We’d have to vote on it. And as promising as you are, you are not a part of pack leadership.”

“Ah! You people are impossible!”

I take a couple of steps forward, then I transform. I’m running so fast that I can’t stop and sift through my mind to figure out where I’m going.

My breath is heavy when I arrive at a stream a couple of miles outside of camp. Fury is still pulsing through my body as I tilt my head towards the sky, open my throat, and howl.

Prey animals like squirrels and rabbits scatter and I lift my head to the sky, and I howl again.

How dare they talk to me like this. No one talks to me like this. Not when something ofmineis being threatened. I transform, and I sink to the dirt. I shake my head as I reach into the stream and splash my face with cool water. The droplets of water that run down my nose and cling to my chin send a calming wave throughout my body.

I breathe deep and stroke my fingers along the dirt. I just need a second. An image of Alana’s still body flashes through my mind and the muscles in my jaw tighten. I can’t be this worked up over someone I just met. Even if they’re as intoxicating as her.

Its nearly sunset when I kick the dirt on my way back into camp. Most of the other wolves have retired to their cabins, having had enough excitement for the day.

Kim is waiting outside of Alana’s cabin, arms crossed over her chest.

Her face brightens when her eyes land on me. “Wesley! I’m glad you’re back. We were worried that you’d left for good.”

“How is she?”

Kim sighs and says, “The healers say that she’ll be just fine. She’ll be in pain for a couple of days, but other than that, she’ll live just fine. She’ll probably scar though. Thank God for accelerated healing.”

I nod and declare, “I’m going inside.”

Kim steps to the side as I open the splintered door to the cabin. The healer looks up at me and carves a smile out of her cracked, old skin. “Ah, you’re back. She’s resting. She should be fine in a day or so.”

I nod. So many words are sitting on my tongue, but I can’t make myself say them.

The healer gets to her feet. “I’ll leave you to it.”

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