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I hadCarmella order the food and set a nice table for Kate and me up in the theater room. Kate's first request from a producer was a big deal and deserved a world-class meal. If I didn't have to worry about paparazzi turning a dinner alone with an unfamiliar woman into some sort of tabloid story, I'd have taken her to the restaurant myself. But I didn't want to see her name dragged through the mud next to mine, so hopefully she'd understand the sentiment behind the gesture.

"It smells so good in here." Kate set her computer down on the couch before walking to the table to peek at the food. "I grabbed pineapple hamburgers for Alexis this afternoon, and the whole time she was eating, I was just drooling on the inside."

I stepped beside her and nudged her with my elbow. "Well, at least you kept it on the inside."

"Har-har." Her eyes were bright, and I wondered not for the first time how Nolan could cheat on her.

We made up our plates and took them to the reclining sofa just as the show came on the big screen.

"Last week onFinding Your Soulmate, Drew took three ladies on one-on-one dates, two survived another week, but Nina was sent home in tears. Ten women remain. Who will stay, who will go…find out tonight…"the host, Rodrigo Martinez's voice sounded through the speakers.

"So, did you send the email yet?" I asked as Rodrigo continued telling the viewers about the exciting things happening in tonight’s episode.

Kate ducked her head down. "Not yet. I…"

"Hand me your computer."

"What?" Anxiety sprouted on her face. I loved how expressive Kate had always been. She accused me of being a terrible actor, but I could always read exactly what she was thinking from the look on her face.

I set my plate on the side table and held a hand out, gesturing for her laptop. "Come on. We're doing this tonight."

When she didn't hand it to me, I scooted to the cushion right beside her and grabbed the computer. I opened the laptop to find myself immediately thwarted by the password prompt.

"What's your password?"

"Like I'm gonna tell you." She bit into her burger and took her time chewing it. "This is sooo good."

"Stop trying to distract me." I tried to give her my best stern face. "Let's send this off before I go on my first date in London."

"I'm still not sure it's ready. What if Alexis hates it?"

"You've already been through it about fifty times, right?"

She nodded; her eyes grew big showing her nerves.

"Just send it. She's going to love it."

Kate didn't say anything, but she reached for the laptop and typed in her password. The Internet browser was already opened up to the email that she'd drafted with the file attached.

She was ready for this next step. She just needed me to give her a nudge.

"You press the button." She shoved the laptop back on my lap.

I inspected the email to make sure it had everything it needed, centered the cursor on the send button, and then grabbed Kate's hand, feeling a spark of electricity at the touch. I ignored the feeling and pushed her finger on the trackpad to send the email off.

"There you go." I clapped the laptop shut and set it on the floor, content that I'd done my job. That's exactly what Aiden would have done if he was there.

When I glanced back at Kate, she looked like she was about to hyperventilate.

"Breathe, Kate. You're going to be fine.” I laughed and rubbed her knee.

"I can't believe you made me do that," she gasped, setting her palm to her chest.

I quirked my lips into a half grin. "You were going to do it anyway. Might as well not put off the inevitable." Content that she wasn't going into shock, I grabbed my plate and settled in to watch myself go on a date with a girl whose heart I'd seemingly broken.

Talk about a fun night.
