Page 27 of The Ranger's Baby

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Laura shivered as she trotted into the barn. Stupid. She’d gone out on horseback this afternoon to check the grazing fields Eli was planning on using next without looking at the forecast and now she and her horse were soaked. Clenching her teeth she swung down and led the horse into an area where they had a hose and brushes to clean up the animals.

Her wet clothes clung to her, making her skin feel clammy. She had to clamp her teeth to keep them from chattering. Tying the horse up, Laura unsaddled her. After scraping the mud off her coat, she turned on the hose and rinsed the big animal off. Laura grabbed a couple of big rough towels and dried her off next.

Leading her back to her stall, Laura left her with a warm blanket, fresh hay, and clean water. She started walking away when the horse bumped her shoulder. Laura breathed out a sigh of relief that the horse wasn’t mad at her. They might be animals, but horses were sensitive creatures and the last thing she needed was a moody ride.

She went back to the clean-up area and hosed the mud off her boots and the floor before picking up the rest of the equipment. Even as she worked she was shivering in her wet clothes, so she went into the tack room and searched for something dry to put on. Going back to the cabin and getting a hot shower sounded amazing, but she was hesitant to get into her car this wet.

Bending over, she moved things around on the shelf, grimacing when she couldn’t find anything besides saddle blankets. She jumped when she heard Rafe’s voice behind her.

“What are you looking for?”

Standing she pushed her wet hair off her forehead. “I was hoping there was something dry I could put on to drive back to my cabin. I need a hot shower.”

He finally seemed to notice her cold clothes sticking to her from the damp. “Oh, shit. Yeah. I don’t think there’s anything here.”

“I noticed,” she said frowning. “I mean, I guess I can drive over on a saddle blanket. I just don’t want the seat to get soaked.”

He seemed to hesitate for a moment then shook his head. “Why don’t you come over to the bunkhouse? You can shower there, and I can give you some sweats and a poncho to put on to get home.”

“I, uh…I probably shouldn’t.”

Rafe smirked at her. “It’s fine. Your virtue is safe with me.” He winked.

Heat crept up her neck, but she smiled too. “Um, yeah, I don’t think so. You’re probably the last person it’s safe with.”

He clasped both hands over his heart in mock pain. “You wound me.”

She snorted. “Somehow I doubt that.”

The laughter between them felt light. Laura like it. Too much.

He must have seen something on her face because the laughter left his. “I mean it though, Laura. I can help you out as a friend.”

“I know. I didn’t mean to imply that I don’t trust you.”

“Good. Come back with me and shower?”

She decided to tease him back. “Together?”

His mouth fell open. “I wasn’t planning on that, but if you’re offering…” He trailed off watching her, clearly not sure if she was making a joke.

And suddenly neither was she. The overwhelming need she’d been feeling for weeks rushed through her.

“And if I was?”

He started to answer her, but she interrupted him by pushing up on her toes and kissing him. Sunny let out a surprised huff and placed his hands on her hips.

They kissed for a long time before Rafe pulled back. He searched her face for several seconds before saying her name as a question. “Laura?”

His hesitation was like more cold water being thrown on her. Shit. No. No sex with employees. No sex at all. Gah!

She looked away. Besides, he didn’t want her again. That much was clear. Of course not. There were way too many factors making it a terrible idea.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that—”

She took a step toward the door, but his hand shot out to grab her arm. “Wait.”
