Page 32 of The Ranger's Baby

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Despite the pain she was in and the dread in her stomach she forced herself to her feet. She staggered down the hall after the doctor opened the door for her, his look of concern burned into her brain.

Rafe stood as soon as he saw her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

“What’s going on?”

“I have the flu,” she rasped.

He made a sympathetic noise that almost broke her. “That sucks. Do we need to pick anything up at the pharmacy?”

“Just some Gatorade and Tylenol.”

“You got it. Come on, I’ll help you to the truck.”

They walked like that out the doors, but when she stumbled and almost fell, he growled and swept her up in his arms again. Laura didn’t fight it. She didn’t have anything left. She was tired, in pain, and terrified.

It was like she’d run away from her old life for nothing now. She’d been told as soon as she hit puberty that the only thing she was good for was giving a man children. When the reality of what having children in the church meant set in, Laura decided she would never do that.

After years of being told that she was basically a brood mare, she’d decided to never have children. Maybe that was the answer then. Get over this flu and then…tears welled in her eyes.

Rafe misunderstood them and wiped them away gently. He kissed her forehead. “It’ll be ok, Laura. We’ll get what you need and get you home to bed so you can rest.”

He was so sweet. He would be a great dad. Was it fair of her to take that option away from him?

Ugh. Thinking was too hard right now. So she didn’t.

Laura let Rafe place her in the truck and go into the store without her. She dozed while he drove and then clung to him when he carried her into her own cabin and to her bed.

When he kissed her forehead one last time, she felt the tears all over again and let him think they were because she didn’t feel good.

Once he left Harper came in. The look on her face said she was ready to demand answers. Probably about why she’d been in Rafe’s room to begin with last night. Laura was sure that information was all over the ranch since Rafe had called Eli to get a truck brought over.

Harper opened her mouth, but Laura was faster.

“I’m pregnant,” she said and then tears really fell.

Harper’s open mouth snapped shut and opened several times before she shook her head and dropped onto the bed next to Laura. She pulled her head onto her lap and stroked her hair, letting her cry it out.

“We’ll figure it out. We always do.”

Laura fell asleep reassured that the one person she truly trusted in this world knew her secret and was going to stand by her.
