Page 33 of The Ranger's Baby

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It took five days for her to feel well enough to leave her bed. Then for the next week she’d thrown herself into work to make up for lost time. Eli had been wonderful and understanding through it all.

She was in the office doing paperwork when a knock interrupted her. Laura looked up to find Sadie standing in the doorway.

“Hey, what’s up?”

Sadie studied her for a moment before shrugging. “Are you coming up to the cabin for lunch?”

Laura’s eyes snapped to the clock at the bottom of the computer screen. “Wow, I didn’t even realize what time it was. Yeah, I guess I better. I’ve got a meeting this afternoon with the cattle reproductive representative.”

Sadie nodded, then stepped inside. “Laura, can I ask you something about that?”

Laura sucked in a sharp breath. “I…uh…sure?”

“I just…” Sadie trailed off and bit her lip. “I really want this ranch to be a success and Eli is so stubborn.”

Laura waited, not entirely sure where she was going with this.

“Could you come to me with the estimate?”

Laura’s eyes widened. “You want me to go behind Eli’s back?”

She shook her head. “No, not really. I’ll tell him about it. After I pay for it.”

Laura snickered. “I, uh…yeah, I guess so. It won’t cause any trouble will it?”

“If it does, it’ll be for me.”

Laura tried not to let the relief show, but she hated the idea of lying to her boss.

“I promise, it really is for the best. Eli will be much happier if he just gets over it and lets me help him.”

“You’d know best. Let’s head up to the house for lunch,” she said changing the subject.

The silence between them was easy as they walked. She was glad that Sadie valued what Eli wanted, and it seemed like he felt the same about her. She’d seen examples of what a healthy relationship looked like on television over the years, but seeing one in person was different.

The door opened as they climbed the stairs and Rafe stepped out to hold the door for them. “Ladies,” he said with a huge smile.

Laura had only seen him a few times since that night, and they’d never been alone, but seeing him made the talk they needed to have come rushing back. Did he deserve to know before she made a decision? She wasn’t sure. It was her body after all and this was something she’d never wanted, but it was still his child as well.

Still, his smile gave her the same fluttery feeling inside that had shown up each time he looked at her for the last few days. She didn’t know what to make of it. Did that mean something?

“Nettie made meatball hoagies,” he whispered conspiratorially. Sadie passed by him, and he leaned in close. “I know that’s your favorite.”

The butterflies went nuts. He sat down next to her, and they ate as everyone filed in. Laura loved these mealtimes. They reminded her of her happy early days with the church before her mom had married Wendell.

She had a thought as they ate though. Leaning toward Rafe she spoke. “Do you think you can keep Eli occupied for a few hours this afternoon?”

His eyebrows lifted up. “I probably can. Why?”

She explained Sadie’s request, and he nodded along. “He’s not going to be happy about it, but Sadie is right. That’s between them. I’ll do it, but you’ll owe me a favor for later,” he said with a wink.

Something tightened in her chest momentarily. What could he possibly want from her?

“What kind of favor?” she asked trying to keep her voice light.

“Have dinner with me. I mean, just to relax. There’s not much to do out here.”

Laura didn’t know how to interpret that. Had he just said that hanging out with her was better than nothing? Maybe, but the butterflies insisted she say yes, so she agreed.

“Perfect. Tomorrow. Six o’clock. I’ll pick you up at your cabin.”

A quick bolt of panic shot through her at the idea, but she squashed it. He was bored, and they were sleeping together. Sort of. Plus she had something to talk to him about anyway. Maybe doing it out at dinner was for the best. They’d be in public. What’s the worst that could happen?
