Page 47 of The Ranger's Baby

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Two days later, Laura had successfully avoided going to the main cabin at all. She ate protein bars in her office and breakfast before work. Then, if she was lucky, she could rush back to her own cabin without anyone noticing. Anything to keep from having to see Rafe and knowing she was lying to him.

She couldn’t avoid Harper’s accusing looks though, and she knew she had to make a decision soon.

She jumped at a knock on the door and looked up to see Eli standing in the opening.

“Hey, Tori is up at the cabin checking on Sunny. She asked if you were available too.”

Laura grimaced. By mutual unspoken agreement, neither of them had said anything to Cash about his sister. She could almost feel the censure in Eli’s gaze, but she ignored it. That was a family matter, and she had no plans to get anywhere near it.

Except now the good doctor wanted to talk to her. Was there anything she could do to her or Sunny about the fake fiancé thing? She was a doctor. Did she suspect what Laura was hiding? She didn’t think so, but who knew?

“Sorry, I—”

“You might want to wait a few minutes while Cash and Tori have it out. Those two have some of the hottest tempers around, but it burns out fast.”


Eli left before she could ask any more questions, but she followed his advice and waited several minutes before heading to the cabin. Cash stomped out the door, letting it slam behind him as she stepped onto the porch. He scowled at her but said nothing as he went by.

Inside, she found Dr. Durst kneeling on the floor beside Rafe. Her stomach twisted a little, seeing the way Rafe smiled at her.

“I really appreciate that you didn’t say anything to Tal.”

“Why would I?” he said with a smirk. “One, not my business, two, it’s way more fun just to watch you two yell at each other.”

The doctor snorted. “Where’s a hypodermic needle when you need one?”

“Hey what about all that do no harm shit?” Sunny asked, his voice full of feigned indignance.

“Did you forget I served too? I know exactly what constitutes harm to you army boys.”

Dr. Barbie had served in the army? That was a shock. Laura cleared her throat, though, letting them know she was there.

“Ah yes, the fiancée,” Tori said with a snicker, and she saw Rafe roll his eyes.

“Oh, get over it already. I listed Eagle as my next of kin and he was out in the valley watching over the cattle.”

“Well, everything looks good. I’d still take it easy if I were you,” she said, then held up her hands before continuing. “But I’m not, so I know you won’t. Just don’t hit your head again. Second hit syndrome is a real thing.”

“Perfect,” he said.

“Before you head out to do exactly what I said not to, though, I need to talk to you both.”

Rafe frowned at her. Laura froze. Crap this was where the good doctor outed her. What could she say? She still didn’t even know what she wanted to do about it.

“About what?” Laura asked, trying to keep her voice neutral.

“Look, I know the whole fiancée bit was fake, but it’s got people talking.”

“So?” Rafe asked, confusion painted on his face.

“It's a small town, Sunny. Rumors are flying and that wouldn’t be a problem except…” She trailed off, glancing between the two of them.

“Except what, Tor? Spit it out,” Rafe demanded.

“Except that with the rumors came more information.”
