Page 5 of The Ranger's Baby

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Laura slammed the door behind her, dashing her tears away. Harper’s angelic blonde curls popped out of the kitchen.

“You’re home early…oh,” she said, her voice heavy with resignation just from what she saw on Laura’s face.

“I’m sorry, Harper,” Laura said through clenched teeth. She hated apologizing, especially for things that weren’t her fault, but she knew Harper would be upset. If there was anyone in the world she cared about upsetting, it was her.

Harper’s face fell, but she schooled her features just as fast. It was an expression Laura knew well on her face and it made her stomach roil.

“When do we have to leave?” Harper said, her voice barely above a whisper.

“We don’t,” Laura rushed to assure her.

“But you didn’t get the position, did you?” Harper asked, her voice sad.

“No, they gave it to Leon.”

Now Harper’s face twisted with dislike. “But he’s so… icky,” she finally settled on, and Laura couldn’t help the small laugh that she breathed.

Not that Harper’s description was incorrect, but Laura could have thought of much better words. Harper still struggled with using what she considered words inappropriate for a female to use.

“How long do you think we have?” Harper asked.

“A week, maybe two, before he looks for a reason to fire me.”

Bramble Ridge Ranch was a wonderful place. They bred both horses and cattle. She and Harper had settled here over six months ago. The owners had posted a breeding manager position and Laura had applied.

Unfortunately, they’d held off on making a decision for another half a year until the current manager retired but offered her a position as a ranch hand to see “how she fit.”

Crestfallen, she’d taken the job anyway because she needed experience on a larger ranch. She’d still held out hope until this morning when the owners had kindly told her they were giving the position to someone with more experience, but they’d love to have her stay on as an employee.

“Did he find you yet?”

Laura shook her head. “No, he’s too busy strutting around making sure everyone knows he’s the boss now, but I’m sure it won’t be long.”

Leon, the new manager, had cornered her in the barn the week before and propositioned her. It still made her shudder just thinking about it.

“Laura, don’t be like this. I think we could make a greatteam.”

“Leon, I’m not interested in dating anyone right now,” she’d told him. Or ever, but she didn’t tell him that. She wouldnevergive a man control of her life again.

He’d stepped in close, the smell of his sweat bitter in the close confines. “Can’t you just play nice? If you won’t, maybe that pretty little thing who never leaves your room would be more… appreciative of my protection.”

She wasn’t precisely sure what had happened because a red haze filled her vision, but she was sure at least that her knee had contacted his balls with a sickening thud.

Leon rolling on the floor was the sweetest revenge. “You’ll pay for this, bitch,” he hissed through clenched teeth before kicking out at her and hitting her in the shin. When she hadn’t even flinched, he’d glared at her.

“What are you, some kind of freak? Not only are you built like a tank, you have armor like one, too?”

She hadn’t mentioned that last bit to Harper. Laura didn’t want to let anything Leon said hurt her, but mentioning her size always did it. It was hard, especially when you lived with someone like Harper, who looked like an angel personified. Laura had broad hips and shoulders and enough padding around her middle that things rolled when she sat down. She was what her stepfather called a sturdy breeder.

A brief shudder raced over her skin at the memory, but Laura shoved it down.

“I need a shower, then I’ll start looking for a new job.”

Harper nodded and sighed. Laura understood. Bramble Ridge had finally started to feel like home. They’d been drifting for the last two years since Laura graduated from college with her degree in animal science.

After her shower, they ate in silence, both consumed with their thoughts. Laura cleaned up dinner. Harper tried to help, but Laura shooed her out of the room. Harper cooked and cleaned all day, Laura wanted to do her part too despite Harper’s objections about her being their provider.
