Page 52 of The Ranger's Baby

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Laura stepped out on the porch when she heard a vehicle approach but let out a sigh of relief that it was just Rafe. Everything Harper had said was true, but that didn’t mean it made her any less nervous. Anger surged through her. She hated that Wendell and the church could still make her feel like a scared little girl even now.

Sunny stepped out of the truck with care and Laura narrowed her eyes. “Should you really be driving?”

He gave her a blinding smile. “Tori just said take it easy and don’t hit my head. Nothing about driving.”

Laura noticed he didn’t actually answer the question, but she let it go. “Glad to hear it. Everything alright?”

He studied her for a second before nodding. “It is. I could ask you the same thing, though?”

Harper banged out the door behind her. “I’m going to take the side-by-side back over to the ranch. Sunny, you can give Laura a ride back later, right? Our car is giving us some trouble.”

“Of course. Make sure you let Sadie know. She’s got an arrangement with Delsey. I’m sure she’d have her come out and look at it for you.”

Sunny missed the smug “I told you so” look on Harper’s face, but Laura did not. She barely resisted sticking her tongue out at the other woman.

Sunny and Laura watched her buckle Quinn into the seat and take off along the back path to the ranch.

Sunny hesitated a moment and then climbed the stairs. He settled himself in a chair on the porch and she took the other. He didn’t say anything, and she knew he was waiting for her to answer him.

“I’m fine,” she finally said looking out over the lake. When after several moments he hadn’t said anything else she turned back to look at him.

“I’m sorry if I embarrassed you,” he said, his voice quiet.

Laura frowned. “What do you mean?”

“The folks in town are talking because I told them we were engaged. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

Now she understood, and she rushed to reassure him. “You didn’t. I promise. Harper and I…” She trailed off trying to figure out how to explain. “We left home together when we were eighteen. The people we left behind are…set in their ways. They didn’t like it, but they didn’t stop us either. I was just afraid maybe they’d changed their mind.”

“Why would that be bad? Don’t you want to see your family again?”

The thought of her mother and her brothers brought an unexpectedly sharp pain to her chest. “I would, but that’s not possible.”

She waited for more questions, but they didn’t come.

“I guess they’re throwing some kind of party for Hilary next weekend. Are you going to go?”

She lifted one eyebrow. “Probably not. You all know each other. I just work here.”

She jumped when he put his hand on hers and squeezed gently. “We’re all family here, Laura. You should come.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“And, Laura?”


“I never really thanked you for being with me in the hospital. I really appreciate it.”

Her face softened. “I didn’t mind. That’s what friends are for, right?”

He smiled at her and it made butterflies dance in her stomach, then she remembered what was really in there and her heart squeezed. Lying to him made her feel sick, but she pasted a smile on her face.

“Definitely. Does that mean I can talk you into being my date for the dance?”

She couldn’t help it. She laughed out loud and nodded. She’d find a way to tell him soon, but for now she was really enjoying having a friend.
